ABA Bird Of The Year

The American Birding Association announces the Evening Grosbeak as the 2012 Bird of the Year.

Evening Grosbeaks are avian firecrackers. Everyone notices them, and most people adore them. They are colorful, noisy, gregarious, and conspicuous. When they’re around, you know it. Their brash behavior is winning rather than wearing, except perhaps for the inflated sunflower seed bill that often accompanies their visits. Most of us would gladly pay the price for such scintillating company.

This species is an excellent choice for the ABA to spotlight for many reasons: its disconcerting decline in various regions; its beauty; its embodiment of both the exotic and the familiar; and its great appeal to both neophyte and veteran birders. We at the ABA have been drawn most to the Evening Grosbeak because of its ability to generate excitement and spark new birders.

There’s something else. The more we thought about Evening Grosbeaks, the more we realized the species is a fitting totem for the ABA we are working to create. The ABA Bird of the Year program is all about birders being more conspicuous, and drawing attention to the excitement of birding and the fellowship of birders.

ABA members enjoy acting as leaders of the flock, sounding the cries that bring our community together, making it bigger, stronger, and more effective. We believe Evening Grosbeaks are perfect emblems for the ABA in 2012.

Evening Grosbeaks are featured on the cover of the March 2012 issue of Birding, the flagship publication of the ABA. The amazing artwork is by author, naturalist, musician, and artist Julie Zickefoose. Her artwork is also featured on the official 2012 Bird of the Year logo, which you will see in the form of stickers on binoculars of enthusiastic ABA members and as a badge on websites and blogs of ABA supporters.

For interesting facts about Evening Grosbeaks and a list of activities, please visit the 2012 Bird of the Year website.

We invite everyone interested in birds, nature, and wildlife to come celebrate the Evening Grosbeak with us. Please join the American Birding Association. Contact: Robert Mortensen – ABA Bird of the Year Coordinator boy@aba.org 801-390-7555

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