Posted by Bob Lefebvre
I’ve had Eurasian Collared-Doves in my SE Calgary neighbourhood since 2009, and they have nested in the area for several years. For the last three years a pair have nested within sight of my house.
The doves are non-migratory but do gather together in small flocks in the winter, and I don’t usually see them around the yard. The nesting pair arrived back on March 17, and perched in our apple tree for a while.

I have since seen the pair around quite a bit and heard the male calling and displaying. They nest at mid-level in spruce trees and I think I know which spruce they are nesting in, but it’s very hard to find the nest. I’ve never yet seen the nests or young of this species.

Hey Bob…….I had a pair that I scared off their nest a few years ago (no eggs as they were just building) and did some reading. Don’t look for anything but a few sticks “resting” on the spruce boughs!!! If you look for a “nest” that you imagine in your brain, you will miss it!!!! I am surprised that it is even called a “nest”!! And YES it was right at my eye level, and I am 5′ 3″, so maybe around the 4’6″ mark at the most!!!
Good luck!!!
Lovely photos. When we first moved to High River we were surprised to see so many doves. We have lots of them here in Nanton, too. We never saw doves in Calgary, during the 28 years we lived there. I believe hawks prey on them.
Eurasian (Ringed) Collared Doves are fairly new to Alberta. Maybe less than 10 years. Unfortunately the United States consider these birds invasive & unlike other Doves species, are to be hunted. I’ve never seen this pair to be aggressive. On the contrary they seem very calm & non combative. We love them. We do not have Morning Doves in the NE Calgary so these birds are a nice substitute.
I have anesting pair of Collared Doves that call my backyard feeder home for many years. Their nest is in my neighbour’s tree across the alley. Very relaxing to hear their coo’s n the mornings.