Bird Study Group Meetings

The next meeting of the Nature Calgary Bird Study Group will be held on Wednesday September 2 in Room 211 of the Biosciences Building of the University of Calgary. Doors are open at 7:00 PM and the meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.

The presenters for the evening will be Brooke Clibbon and Eric Tull, who are showing Brooke’s new video “Birding the Galapagos”.

Please bring your coffee mug, as coffee, tea and cookies will be available for a nominal fee.

Everyone Welcome

The Bird Study Group meets indoors on the first Wednesday of each month from September through May. Our goal is to encourage birding in the Calgary area and beyond by helping local birders develop their knowledge and skills. Our members are active local birders of all skill levels who are keen to share their knowledge and experiences. Please see the Bird Study Group website for information on the group, its field trips and its other activities.

Would You Like To Give A Presentation?

We are always looking for speakers. It might be a full presentation, or a short presentation given in conjunction with another shorter presentation. If you would like to be a speaker, or if you would like to suggest as a speaker, please email tull@ucalgary.ab or leave a comment below.

Eric Tull

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