Birds and Beers – June 28!

After we had a wonderful turnout at our last Birds and Beers event at the Joyce on Fourth Irish Pub, a few suggestions for the next venue were put forward, and ultimately we decided on the back yard of one of our own bloggers here.

Pat’s yard list is incredibly extensive, and she’s written about it for Birding is Fun! over here. She’s also opened up her yard for us to host the next event, scheduled for June 28th. You can find the event on Facebook to RSVP, or just leave a comment here so Pat can email you the address and directions to her place!

Let’s hope the weather cooperates, and I am definitely looking forward to this being another great evening!

3 thoughts on “Birds and Beers – June 28!

  1. Pingback: New & Upcoming | Birds Calgary

  2. Pat,
    Plan to join your backyard B&B. Have been to your house but just in case send me an address.

Drop us a line!

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