The fall season begins on Thursday September 28.

Joan Walker has booked the new season of Birds & Beers and we will begin on Thursday September 28. As usual, all Birds & Beers events will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion at 9202 Horton SW in Calgary. Previously we were meeting on Fridays, but the reason for switching to Thursday is that we will now be able to use the large ballroom! The ballroom is a much larger space than the one we had the last couple of years, and it has comfortable seating and a large drop-down screen for presentations. A short-order menu will be available for food and drinks, and there are some new menu items.
Meetings will now begin at 5 pm, which will give more time for eating, drinking, and socailizing before the presentations, which will still begin at about 7 pm. People are welcome to arrive at any time between 5 and 7.
The first couple of presentations have been arranged (more details on them in upcoming posts) but we are always looking for more. If you have a presentation about a trip you took or anything about birds locally or in general, please contact us. You can email me at and I will put you in touch with Joan.
Save these dates in your calendar:
- Thursday September 28 – Gordon Sick sharing his Newfoundland experience.
- Thursday October 12 – Bob and Dianne Leonhardt sharing Mexico.
- Thursday November 23 – TBA
We do not meet in December but will announce the dates for January-June as soon as they are booked.
Everyone is welcome to Birds & Beers!