Birds & Beers Update

This week saw the inaugural Birds & Beers event in our city, and although the first gathering was small, the seven participants all judged it a success.

Topics ranged from good birding locations, local field trips, world birding and bird photography, to bird conservation issues and ebird reporting. Attendees were a mix of experienced and new birders, which is the purpose of Birds & Beers.

An extremely enjoyable evening was had by all, and everyone thought it was a great idea and should be done again. The only other time birders get to talk to each other is just before and after meetings, or while birding, and those are limited and not as relaxed. Getting together at night and indoors also means no one is missing any birding time in the field!

Everyone is welcome at this event, no matter what your level of birding skills. Plans are now in the works to have a Birds & Beers get together near the end of every month, so watch this blog for the date and location of the June gathering.

This concept was first presented to local birders by Birds Calgary writer Dan Arndt, who ironically didn’t make it to the event. Thanks to a faulty transmission he was stuck on the highway, and to add insult to injury, it was too windy to see any birds while he was waiting for the tow truck. He’ll be the first to show up at the June group!

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