The monthly Birds and Beers socials have not been held since the start of the pandemic. Many local birders are hoping we can resume these events and the presentations soon. I’m sure quite a few birders are vaccinated and keep small cohorts. Joan Walker (who does the majority of the organization of these events) and I have discussed it, and we decided that the situation with the spread of the Delta variant is too uncertain to have such gatherings right now. I certainly would not be comfortable attending since I am in contact with many people every day. I don’t want to pass the virus on to others. So we will have a “wait and see” attitude for now.

Joan has looked into planning events in the next few months. There are a few presentations ready to go. However, there are some complications. Our regular meeting-place is the Horton Road Legion. Of course the pandemic has been a difficult time for businesses like the Legion. They were closed for a while, and are currently only open a few days each week. When they re-opened, all the meeting rooms booked up completely until Christmas. So we are considering possibly re-starting in January.
Another issue is that the Legion will now have to charge for the use of the room. It is a minimal amount, but we would have to pass the cost on to the attendees.
There is the possibility of finding other venues but it would be very difficult to find another one that serves meals and drinks, can accommodate presentations of up to 100 people, and is cheap or free.
We would like to have some feedback on this. Should we plan to resume in the new year (assuming it is safe to do so) at the regular location? Would you be willing to pay a small amount (no more than two or three dollars per person; probably less) to attend? Would you like to try another venue and do you have any suggestions for an alternate location?
If you are a regular Birds & Beers attendee and you have thoughts on this, please email me at wbird7[at] -Bob Lefebvre
Not a regular attendee. I would have no problem paying a fee towards the cost of holding the meetings.
It would be good to continue to support the Legion. A couple bucks is fine plus the food is good and inexpensive.
We are new and look forward to meeting members, but will follow the majority re timing of any resumption. We are willing to pay the required amount.
Thank you for the update. The pandemic has put everything & everyone in an uproar. We still need to be cautious until the all clear is truly recognized. I am fine with paying a fee to attend in support of the Legion.
In the meantime, Ivwill continue to enjoy my neighbourhood & golf course birds.
I wouldn’t mind paying either!
I would pay a small amount to attend