
Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Nov 14

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday Nov 14 at 10:05 am.

Bird Sightings:

Nov 10:
SNOWY OWL (possible) sitting in the middle of the road in Arbour Lake, NW Calgary.

Nov 11:
MACKAY’S BUNTING (possible) with a flock of 500 SNOW BUNTINGS on a frozen slough north of Blackie, at 338th Ave & Hwy 799. Seen very close to the vehicle, the
bird was almost completely white with black primary and tertial tips, buffy yellow crown and sides of neck and cheeks. Bill was bright yellow, eye black. Call Terrry Korolyk 403-254-1878 for more info.
GADWALLxLESSER SCAUP (likely) at Weed Lake N of Hwy 560 , TK and others.
GYRFALCON, SW of Water Valley, Malcolm MacDonald.
SNOW GOOSE juvenile, above Weir at Carseland, TK.

Nov 12:
GYRFALCON, gray morph, at the Yacht Club, Glenmore Res., Bill Wilson.
PACIFIC LOON at the dam at Chain Lakes PP, one also at the dam at Pine Coulee and another N of Hwy 522 bridge at Pine Coulee, TK.
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN above the weir at Carseland , Cedric Hitchon.

Nov 13:
GRAY-CROWNED ROSY FINCH (20) at feeders at Barrier Mtn Dr, Exshaw, Tony Timmons and Howard Heffler.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Nov 17.

Bird Profile: Bohemian Waxwing

A rush of wings, followed  instantly by  high-pitched trills break the silence. It is a cold, wintry scene, snow falling slowly from the never-ending sheet of clouds that blanket the sky in a gloomy grey. Standing still, nothing is to be heard; no cars, no people, and, above all, no birds. Just when it seems as though the entire world has gone into a peaceful slumber, the calm is broken by the sound of nature.

When they descend in hundreds, berries don’t last long at all. These birds are highly social and travel tight together, descending en masse on fruit bearing trees, where they proceed to rapidly consume thousands of berries. A very hardy bird, the Bohemian Waxwing toughs out the frigid winters of northern latitudes, enduring harsh conditions.The waxwing is both gregarious and elegant with a slick crest, and soft, silky plumage; it is deemed attractive by many. Named for the red, drop-shaped, waxlike tip on their feathers, this bird has warm grey-brown plumage, a black patch through the eye and a yellow-tipped tail. Bohemian Waxwings are berry aficionados and during winter, survive on the fruit of trees such as mountain ash and juniper, but also eat saskatoon and choke berries. Such a heavy reliance on one source of food can greatly affect a birds population and will cause much fluctuation. If there is a high population one year and a low fruit crop the same year, many waxwings will disperse in winter further south out of their regular mapped range. These years are known as irruptive years and are cherished by southern birders who do not usually get the opportunity to observe these birds.

I love witnessing large flocks of Bohemian Waxwings, it is possible to hear the whir of thousands of wings as they land, the twittering as they communicate endlessly, and the soft thud of berries as the fruit falls into the snow below, dropped by  a careless tug from the beak of a waxwing. Sometimes, after the flock has left, the snow will be littered with bright red berries. Then as cars and people pass over the fruit, the snow will be stained a rose color, evidence of the masses of birds that banqueted there.

Remember next time you are shoveling snow in -30 degree weather; you are privileged in that you can witness this elegant species brightening up the dull grey day. These birds are truly northern and hardly extend into the U.S. They are definitely one of the things I will miss most about Calgary winters.

Posted by Matthew Sim

Loon Survey, Part Three

It’s high time I updated the Loon Survey I did for Bird Studies Canada this past summer. You can read about the survey, and see pictures of the eggs, fledglings, and adult loons, on my previous posts: Loon Survey, Part One, and Loon Survey, Part Two.

In late August I returned to Leisure Lake, near Bragg Creek, to check on the Common Loon family.  The purpose of the third visit, late in the season, is to see if the young loons have survived.  Like all birds, loons have a high rate of mortality among fledglings.

I was happy to find that the two young, still in their brown plumage, were doing well.  They were starting to look like adults. (Click on any picture to enlarge it.)

  Juvenile Common Loon, about two months old.

The two juveniles with an adult.

However, despite making a long slow circuit of the entire lake, I only saw one of the parent loons.  I thought that perhaps one of the adults was hiding on shore somewhere, but I’ve been told that loons are so ungainly on land that they only go ashore to incubate their eggs.  It’s possible that it was in the reeds somewhere and I missed it, but that seems unlikely.  Perhaps one of the adults departed for the wintering grounds earlier than the other adult and the young.  I don’t know if they normally do that or if they all leave together.  The other possibility is that the missing adult succumbed to disease or a predator.  It will be interesting to see what happens there next spring.

If you want to participate in the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey, there are plenty of unmonitored lakes with loons on them.  Contact Bird Studies Canada for more information.  Here is a link to the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey page.

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Oct 31

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This report was prepared on Monday October 31.

October 27
— TRUMPETER SWAN (500), SE corner of Frank Lake, Don and Joyce Moore

October 28
— HARLEQUIN DUCK, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Mike Potter

October 29
— TUNDRA SWAN (240), Eagle Lake, SE of Strathmore, Andrew Slater

— TRUMPETER SWAN (500-800), SE corner of Frank Lake, Ian Halladay and Cedric Hitchon

— GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE (25), Eagle Lake, SE of Strathmore, AS

— SNOW GOOSE (1,500), Twp Rd 232 near the intersection with RR 245, AS

— HARLEQUIN DUCK, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Dean Derrett and CFNS group

— GREATER SCAUP, Eagle Lake, SE of Strathmore, AS

— BARROW’S GOLDENEYE (20), Eagle Lake, SE of Strathmore, AS

— SAY’S PHOEBE, probable late-fall record date for Alberta, Frank Lake, IH and CH

— RUSTY BLACKBIRD with a flock of Brewer’s Blackbirds, at a feedlot on Twp Rd 240 east of Hwy 817, AS

October 30

— TUNDRA SWAN (300), including one near-Bewick’s Swan, Chestermere Lake, Terry Korolyk

— TRUMPETER SWAN (200) Shepard slough, TK

— SURF SCOTER, SE corner of Glenmore Reservoir, Ian Maton and Keith Sharkey

— OSPREY, very late migrant, Griffith’s Woods, SW Calgary, Steve Kaspar

— GREATER YELLOWLEGS (8) Weed Lake on Hwy 560 at Langdon, TK

— KILLDEER, N end of Chestermere Lake, TK

— THAYER’S GULL, N. end of Chestermere Lake, TK

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday November 3.


Bird Study Group meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Room 211,
BioSciences Building, U of C.  November 2: Digital bird photography with Brian Elder.

Sunday Showcase: Common Raven

More stupendous shots from Rob English, who commented that you rarely see photos of these guys. These shots were taken in Yellowstone National Park in September of this year. As a huge fan of all members of the Corvid family and someone totally in love with ravens, I sincerely thank Rob for these photos. What a handsome bird!! Click to enlarge.

Posted by Pat Bumstead, total raven fan

Saturday Selection: Winter Birds in the Calgary area

Here is a photographic collection of some of the birds you may see in the Calgary region this winter.

Snowy Owl

Common Merganser

Hairy Woodpecker

Mountain Chickadee

Brown Creeper

Red Crossbill

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Oct 27

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This report was prepared on Thursday October 27.

October 20
— TRUMPETER SWAN/TUNDRA SWAN (48), mixed flock on large pond at jct of Twp. Rd. 314 and RR 265, Corinne Griffin Swans have been slow to arrive this fall. Most common on Weed Lake near Langdon and Chestermere Lake

October 23
— GREAT HORNED OWL Wildwood Drive, west Calgary, Anne Jones

October 25
–PILEATED WOODPECKER Sunnyslope, west of Three Hills, on RR 260 ca. 400 m. north of Twp. Rd 312, also in Three Hills itself, CG

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Monday October 31.


Bird Study Group meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Room 211, BioSciences Building, U of C.

November 2: Digital bird photography with Brian Elder.

Revering a Raptor

From the day that I first laid eyes on the species, gliding on broad wings over a coniferous forest in the Rocky mountains of Alberta, I have always looked with awe at it, astounded by its sheer magnificence. Many people have soft spots for raptors. I have a soft spot for one in particular: the Northern Goshawk.

I first saw a goshawk just over a year ago. It was early October 2010, and I had signed up for the Mount Lorette Golden Eagle field trip with Nature Calgary. I went out on my own to explore the area right around the location of the watch, and, while out on the path, witnessed an adult goshawk rise up from the spruce trees and circle away. From that moment on I was always looking for goshawks; every chance I got, I would go searching for them.

Rising up out of the forest; my first views of a Northern Goshawk

Several days later, on a biking trip to Fish Creek Provincial Park, I came across an adult Goshawk perched high up in a poplar, sitting and gazing at the world around him. I stood and watched this magnificent raptor for more than half an hour, pointing the bird out to anybody who came near. Many of these were joggers or were merely walking their dogs. They took little interest in this bird, that is somewhat tricky to spot in the city of Calgary. I was rewarded though by the few who did pause to look up at the goshawk and comment on his size.

“What did you say it was called?”

“A Northern Goshawk”, I would reply eagerly, ” it’s somewhat unusual here in Calgary.”

“Really? Wow! Look at how big he his!” After staring up at him for several more seconds, they would smile and move on. Hopefully the Goshawk had made an impression on them though.

While I watched this large, strong accipter (agile, forest dwelling hawks with short rounded wings and long tails) it scratched its head withs its talon, giving me glimpses of those wicked sharp utensils it uses to tear apart its prey. Eventually, it lifted off and disappeared amongst the trees.

Goshawks are among the largest, strongest and most audacious of the hawks of North America. In November 2010, a little over a month since I first observed this species, I got an excellent opportunity to view this audacity. I was riding my bike home from Fish Creek and was running slightly late. I looked down for a moment as I pulled onto a dirt path going around a storm water pond, and, when I looked up again, there, sitting merely yards away from me in a small tree no taller than 10 feet, was an adult goshawk. They now seemed to be everywhere I went! I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could and screeched to a stop, panting breathlessly. Pulling out my camera, I marveled at how close this bird had let me get. I stood watching him, he stood watching me, this went on for several minutes before he abruptly flew away.

Taken with a 200mm lens and no crop; I could see every detail in the feathers

Instead of leaving altogether though, the goshawk started hovering over a field, pulled up, started hovering again and then pulled up once more. Then, with a sharp turn, he came whizzing right at me and flew by me at a distance of about 4 feet! The raptor was so close that my lens couldn’t focus on it!

These incredibly neat personal experiences combined with an amazingly beautiful species, have come to make me love the Northern Goshawk.

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Oct 25

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday Oct 24 at 10:10 am.

Bird Sightings:

Oct 20:
DUNLIN (1), PECTORAL SANDPIPERS, STILT SANDPIPERS, 400 DOWITCHERS at Weed Lake, Phil Cram, Brian Elder & Ray Woods.

Oct 22:
PACIFIC LOON, SURF SCOTER female at Glenmore Res., Bill Wilson.
1000 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, 800 SNOW GEESE at Namaka Lake SE of Strathmore, Andrew Slater.
GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET (2), PINE GROSBEAK (2) at Big Hill Spr. PP, Steve Kassai.
FRANKLIN’S GULL (1) at Shepherd Landfill, Terry Korolyk.

Oct 23:
DUNLIN (1) at Chestermere Lake, Terry Korolyk.
MAGNOLIA WARBLER, Mount Royal district, Phil Cram.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Oct 27.

Sunday Showcase: Young Swainson’s Hawk

Rob English was fortunate enough to capture these stunning shots of a young Swainson’s hawk hunting grasshoppers. He took them in Hulls’ Wood, Fish Creek Park in early September. He says the bird hung around the area for about three days, and showed no fear. His wife named him “Mr. Personality.” Thanks so much for sharing these Rob! Click to enlarge.