Register now for Brooks (May 17-19) and Writing-On-Stone (May 24-26) Bird Counts 2024
Posted by Bob Lefebvre
Registration is now open for these two southern Alberta counts. Calgary birders will need to arrange camping or hotel accommodations ahead of time, so register soon. Note that our local Calgary May Species Count is on the same dates as Writing-On-Stone one, but some of you may want to try helping out with that one down in the very south part of the province for a change of pace (I will have information on the Calgary count closer to that weekend).

From Debra Hornsby, who organizes the count along with Donna Wieckowski:
2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Brooks count –- come celebrate this milestone with us! To register, click here: Brooks and Writing-on-Stone 2024 registration form. Registration will close on April 30, 2024.
We will hold pre-count meetings on the Fridays before each weekend. At these meetings we will assign count areas, distribute maps and checklists, go over count protocols, introduce your fellow birders, and answer questions. Please plan to be there. We will also host informal gatherings on the Saturday evenings – a great opportunity to get together to swap birding stories and win some fun prizes! A full schedule for both weekends can be found in the brochure below.
Because weather is sometimes inclement on the Brooks weekend, we have reserved a meeting space at the Heritage inn (note new location). We are asking each participant in the Brooks count to contribute $12.00 to cover meeting room costs. If you plan to join the Brooks count, please e-transfer $12.00 per person to Donna Wieckowski no later than May 15. Cheques and cash also accepted. Thanks!
If you have any registration questions, or if you have trouble with the form, please email me. Happy to help! Thanks for your support and happy birding!
2024-Brooks-WOS-Bird-Count-brochure(Toggle between the Brooks and WOS brochures using the arrows at lower left.)