Fifth Year of Osprey Action Caught on Camera

Since 2008, the Calgary Zoo and ENMAX  have teamed up to bring live osprey activity to the public via a high-resolution webcam. From spring arrival and nest building to the laying and hatching of eggs, the public can watch these birds of prey daily. So far this season, the female in the pair has laid three eggs.

Osprey drying his wings after a dip. Photo P Bumstead

For over 17 years, a pair of ospreys has built their summer home on a platform constructed by the Calgary Zoo atop a pole erected by ENMAX Power. The platform is located at the extreme east end of St. George’s Island in a non-public area.

“There is a large following of the osprey webcam at the Calgary Zoo,” said Doris Kaufmann Woodcock, ENMAX Corporation. “Last year alone we had over 75,000 unique visits to our website. It’s fantastic that so many people love to tune in and watch their progress.”

As part of its Osprey & Avian Nest Management program, ENMAX erected three more nesting platforms this spring in south Calgary. Ospreys often build their nests on top of power poles, potentially posing a danger to themselves while compromising the integrity of the electrical system. ENMAX has erected many platforms throughout the city in areas where these nests have caused concern.

The live streaming camera is available to the public through to the seasonal departure of the birds which typically occurs in September. For more information on the camera and to watch live, visit the ENMAX osprey cam web page.

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