Furry Friday: Canadian Lynx

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

This Canadian Lynx was resting on a trail in a wooded area in the hills in Peace River, in northern Alberta, on September 2, 2013. The location was within the town limits, only about 300 metres from the nearest houses. This was the first Lynx I’ve seen in the wild.

Although these photos weren’t taken in the Calgary area, we do have Lynx here, and they are sometimes seen inside the city limits.

Taken with  a Canon EOS 40D with 100-400 mm lens from a distance  of about 8 metres.

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2 thoughts on “Furry Friday: Canadian Lynx

  1. Had the same experience with Lynx a few years ago and it was amazing how close you could get for the pictures. Such lovely animals!

    • Yes, the Lynx seemed quite reluctant to move from where it was and didn’t leave until I was quite close, then just slowly walked away.

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