Help for Wildlife Rehabilitation

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

For twenty years, the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC) has been rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife and releasing them back into the wild.  Eighty percent of the animals they deal with are birds.  Soon the lease on their land near Madden, north of Calgary, is ending, and they have to move to a new location.  In addition to the ongoing costs of operation, relocating is a huge undertaking which may include moving the existing buildings to the new location and reclaiming the current site.  Consequently, they are trying to raise $250,000 this year.  AIWC has always relied on donations but they need your help now more than ever.

Impaled American Robin.

Please visit the AIWC website and donate if you can.  They are also hoping to increase their membership and they have many volunteer opportunities available.  They currently need volunteers for information tables at local events.  See the “Volunteering” and “Support AIWC” pages on their website.

Please help to support this worthy cause, so that AIWC can continue its valuable rehabilitative work and educational programs.

Gus Yaki with sick or injured Ring-billed Gull.

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