More Birders Needed For the Calgary Christmas Bird Count.
Many of our regulars are away or busy with other events this year, so we have a bit of a shortage of birders to help with the count, which is next Sunday. We can use experienced birders who could lead the effort in a section of the city, or help with a field team in a section. Even if you are a novice birder you can help assist a field team. The more eyes the better! Plus we are always looking for more people to count birds at their backyard feeders. That can take as little as 30 minutes.

You can register to participate in the count at this page. You may use this form even if you just want more information and may not take part this year. If you have any questions, you can email me at
Thanks for helping out in this long-running Citizen Science project!
Bob Lefebvre
I completed the CBC participant form and sent a follow-up email last week. No response to either! Perhaps there’s a glitch in the system?
Hi Sheila, Sorry, I didn’t see this comment until today! Were you eventually contacted for the CBC? We were late getting the information out.