High River Birding Field Trips

Every Wednesday evening for the last few weeks, birders have met and visited different locations in the High River area.  The outings are organized by local wildlife biologist and birder Greg Wagner.  As long as there is interest, the trips will continue every Wednesday evening.  I’m sure this is of interest not only to people in the immediate area, but to Calgary birders as well.

Greg has provided details of the next two outings:

Wednesday June 6, 2012 – Northwest corner of Frank Lake.  Meet in the southwest corner of George Lane Park in High River at 6 pm. There won’t be too much walking on this one. Just short walks to the blind and sewage outfall. Sabine’s Gulls have been moving through the area over the last couple of weeks and have been seen at Frank Lake on several occasions, so there is a chance we may get this bird. They are most often observed sitting on open water further out in the lake. At a distance the grey head and black neck ring aren’t that obvious, so they can easily be confused with Franklin’s. The broad M pattern on the back is distinctive in flight. The lake isn’t quite as active as a few weeks ago, but a lot of young geese, ducks and coots are beginning to emerge. I would appreciate someone keeping a list of birds and participants and I will post the information on eBird.

Sabine’s Gull.  Photo by Omar Runolsson, from Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 – Highwood House and Cataract Creek.  Meet in the southwest corner of George Lane Park at 6 pm.  Mark Garbutt (403 938-6266) will be leading a trip to Highwood House to watch Rufous, and, most likely, Calliope Hummingbirds at the feeders at the Highwood House service station. From there, we will be traveling to Cataract Creek to check out breeding forest birds, particularly those that inhabit the riparian willow communities west of the river (White-crowned and Lincoln’s Sparrows, Trail Flycatchers, Wilson, Yellow, and maybe MacGillvray’s Warblers). Also a possibility of Dippers and Harlequin Ducks. Please keep a list of birds and participants and I will post the results on eBird.

Calliope Hummingbird. Photo by Dan Arndt. 

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