Join Project Feeder Watch

Backyard birdwatchers across Canada are invited to take part in the 25th season of Project FeederWatch, from November 12 through April 6. With each season, FeederWatch increases in importance as a unique and indispensable monitoring tool for more than 100 bird species that winter in North America. Last year, over 2,500 Canadians and 11,000 Americans counted backyard birds; their observations help scientists better understand the health and behavior of birds – an important indicator species for the well being of our planet.

White-breasted nuthatch at the suet feeder

Each checklist submitted by ‘FeederWatchers’ helps scientists at Bird Studies Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology learn more about where birds are, how they are doing, and how to protect them. Participating in Project FeederWatch is a great way for families and friends to connect with nature, have fun, and help birds. You do not have to be an expert to participate – they’ll send you a poster of common birds, and help is just a phone call or email away.

Participants choose how much time they want to dedicate to the project. They are asked to select their own two-day count period once every two weeks, and then count for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as they like) on one or both of those days. Sightings are entered online at or reported on paper data forms and mailed in at the end of the season.

Data from FeederWatchers have helped scientists learn about changes in the distribution and abundance of feeder birds over time, expansions and contractions in their winter ranges, the spread of disease in bird populations, and the kinds of habitats and foods that attract birds.

Sign up for Project FeederWatch here

Source: Bird Studies Canada  

Posted by Pat Bumstead

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