Loon Survey, Part Two

Last month I reported on my trip to Leisure Lake, southwest of Calgary, to monitor the breeding Common Loons there (see the blog post, Loon Survey, Part One).  On June 14 there was a breeding pair of loons, with two eggs in the nest.  I returned to the lake on July 10 to see if the young loons had fledged.

Leisure Lake, in the Bragg Creek/Priddis area, southwest of Calgary.

I soon saw the loons, the two young birds following their parents around the lake.  The newly fledged loons were already quite large, and seemed to be doing well.

Two young loons following their parents.

One of the young loons in its brownish plumage.

The next step in the loon survey was to return to check on the loons in August, to see if the young have survived their first few weeks of life.  I’ll report on that in Part 3.

 Posted by Bob Lefebvre

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  1. Pingback: Canadian Lakes Loon Survey | Birds Calgary

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