Backyard Birds: Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Juncos are one of the last native sparrows to migrate through Calgary each fall, and many of them often overwinter here.  I have at least eight that have been coming to my yard regularly for the last three weeks.  They will come to feeders, but like other sparrows, they prefer to feed on the ground or on a flat, open surface like a tray.  They can often be seen scratching in the snow to expose seeds.

Juncos can be identified by their dark hoods, white bellies, and white outer tail feathers that flash when they fly.  There are two common subspecies in Calgary;  “Slate-colored” which are all grey and can look almost black, and “Oregon” which have rusty back and sides.  In the spring, males have a very distinct black hood.

I have a non-native apple tree in my yard that stays green and fully leafed out until the end of November, so I often only become aware of juncos in the yard when I hear their soft “chip” call coming from the tree.  The video below includes a soundtrack with this call, courtesy of the xeno-canto website.

Various Dark-eyed Juncos.  Calls courtesy Xeno-Canto.

Below you can see juncos feeding on niger seed on top of a stepladder…

Juncos feeding on niger seed.

Below is a video of juncos feeding on small sunflower heads…

Juncos feeding on sunflowers.


Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Dec 5

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday December 5.

Bird Sightings:

Dec. 1

HORNED GREBE, Lake Minnewanka, Banff National Park, Malcolm and Joan McDonald


GREEN-WINGED TEAL (9), second Vermilion Lake, Banff, NP, MJM

TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE, Vermilion Lakes Drive, Banff NP, MJM

GRAY-CROWNED ROSY-FINCH (200+), Barrier Mountain Drive feeder, Exshaw, MJM

Dec. 2

CANVASBACK, above weir at Carseland, MJM

GREATER SCAUP, same, below weir, MJM

PEREGRINE FALCON, field on W side of Frank Lake (6 km. E of High River on HWY

HERMIT THRUSH (probable), HWY 546 W of Turner Valley, woods between hwy and
Sheep River, Jeff Bennett.

Dec. 3

RED-NECKED GREBE, Lake Minnewanka, Phil Cram, Brian Elder, Ray Woods


TUNDRA SWAN (probable, bird was an adult), Policeman’s Flats, end of Bow Riverbottom Trail, off Dunbow Rd., just SE of Calgary, Terry Korolyk

GADWALL (male and female), same, TK

NORTHERN SHOVELER (female), same, TK

REDHEAD (male and female), Elliston Park, E Calgary, TK

GREATER SCAUP (female), Policeman’s Flats, TK

LONG-TAILED DUCK (imm. female?), Elbow River, upstream up 25th Ave. bridge, MJM

HOODED MERGANSER (2 male, 1 female), Elliston Park, TK

GYRFALCON, HWY 532 just E of HWY 799, (bird was a gray morph), TK

BROWN CREEPER (4), Fenland Trail, Banff NP, PC, BE, RW

TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE (2), Vermilion Lakes, PC, BE, RW

Dec. 4

AMERICAN WIGEON, Beaverdam Flats, Bow River, Kingsley Blades on behalf of the
Nature Calgary field trip

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Dec 8.


Bird Study Group meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Room 211, BioSciences Building, U of C except June through August when field trips replace the meetings.

December meeting is Wednesday,December 7. Topic will be “Birding in Brazil”, presented by Rob Worona. Meeting time is 7:30pm.

A Quiet Morning at Beaverdam Flats

It seems a little cruel that only a week after I first began blogging, the Fall Birding Course is nearly wrapped up for the season. According to our fearless leader, the group has spotted 123 species of birds over the past 4 months, though not every individual saw the entirety of the list. That seems like a lot, though the full list of Calgary birds counts over 300 species, I think that’s an incredible variety, considering they were all seen within city limits, and in relatively easy to access locations.

This week was another first for me. Though I’ve cycled through Beaverdam Flats, I’ve never birded it, and really never quite knew how to get there by vehicle, leading me to begin a few minutes later than the rest of the group. Upon arriving, I walked down the hill to see if I could find the group, and spotted my first Townsend’s Solitaire of the season, while hearing a number of Downy Woodpeckers among the birch trees on either side of the path.

Townsend's Solitaire at Beaverdam Flats

Townsend's Solitaire

Walking south along the river, I spotted the group and quickly caught up, but not before realizing what exactly they were looking at. Literally hundreds of Mallards, Canada Geese, and various other waterfowl gathered along the banks of the Bow River. It was truly one of the more memorable sights of an otherwise very quiet morning.

Literally hundreds of them

Hundreds of Geese, Ducks, and others along the Bow River

As we walked back north along the riverbank, we spotted a Bald Eagle flying south, and two more high up in a tree, patiently waiting and posing for us, as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

Bald Eagle in flight

This pair of Bald Eagles was perched high above the Bow River

All along the riverbank, amongst the Mallards, we spotted Common Goldeneye, Buffleheads, Redheads, and a few Common Mergansers. A few Northern Pintails were hidden amongst the Mallards as well, but they were elusive that morning, and I don’t think anyone got a very good look at them aside from a glance here or there.

Common Goldeneyes

Goldeneye in flight

Male Goldeneye displaying for female

Pair of Male Redheads among the crowd

I swear it was THIS big...

Redhead with outstretched wings

As we left the riverbank, the entire group was awestruck with our heads raised to watch the hundreds of waterfowl we had seen just an hour beforehand flying low overhead. It seemed something had flushed them, but there was no sign of a hungry Bald Eagle, Goshawk, or any aerial predator for that matter.

Something has disturbed this flock

We headed north again, and under a bridge to search for Great Horned Owl, which seemed incredibly skittish, keeping its distance and flying away at the first suggestion that we may get closer.

Great Horned Owl

As I mentioned before, it was eerily quiet, and the only other birds we saw along the river valley was another Downy Woodpecker and a Northern Flicker in the distance. As we loaded up into the cars, one of the sturdy American Robins who overwinter in Calgary made its presence known, displaying in one of the birch trees at the top of the valley wall.

Can't quite reach it... maybe if I tilt my head this way...?

Downy Woodpecker

Look at how impressive I am!

American Robin

Following the official walk, another of the photographers in our group and I headed back to look for that elusive Great Horned Owl. We managed to spot it twice, but each time it flew away before we could establish a clear line of sight and a clean angle to photograph it, but our search was not in vain. We did manage to get a bit closer to one of the Northern Flickers, but the prize of the day was this Townsend’s Solitaire that kindly posed for us while the light was still good.

Look at all his majesty.

Northern Flicker

Townsend's Solitaire

Townsend's Solitaire

Posted by Daniel Arndt

Sunday Showcase: Calgary Corvids

Corvids, which are crows and jays, are classified by their harsh voices and their aggressive manner, both of which draw attention to themselves; large and often very gregarious birds. Most corvids have bristles on their nostrils, located on very powerful, all-purpose beaks built specially for handling their varied diet ( berries, fruits, seeds, invertebrates, small mammals and carrion). Here are most of the species that you may see in the Calgary region, the only one missing, is the colorful Steller’s Jay.

American Crow

Blue Jay

Grey Jay

Clark's Nutcracker

Common Ravens

Black-billed Magpie

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Dec 2

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Friday December 2 at 1:45 pm.

Bird Sightings:

WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS have been seen in fairly good numbers, with the best locations being the west end of Fish Creek Provincial Park and Edworthy Park. RED CROSSBILLS have been scarce. COMMON REDPOLLS have been abundant, with the usual sprinkling of HOARY REDPOLLS among them.

Nov 27:
NORTHERN SHRIKE, Griffith’s Woods in Discovery Ridge south of HWY 8, Bill Wilson (NORTHERN SHRIKES arrived in good numbers at first, but few have been reported recently).
PINE GROSBEAK, Griffith’s Woods, BW (PINE GROSBEAKS have been fairly widespread and in good numbers in the Calgary area this winter).

Nov. 29:
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, NW of Calgary on RR 24 and TWP RD 262, Ron Kube (ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS have been widespread and in good numbers throughout southern Alberta during the past couple of weeks).
NORTHERN HAWK-OWL, W of Turner valley along HWY 546 ca. 3 km. W Lineham Crossing, Peter Maksymiw.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Monday Dec 5.

BIRD STUDY GROUP:  Bird Study Group meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Room 211, BioSciences Building, U of C. December meeting is Wednesday,December 7. Topic will be “Birding in Brazil”, presented by Rob Worona. Meeting time is 7:30pm.

Wintering blackbirds in Texas

Winter leaps upon us in a flash. One minute, it seems, it is a very distant shape looming faintly on the horizon. Suddenly, before we know it, winter has struck, leaving us wondering where the summer went. In Texas, the same seems to happen with wintering birds. One day, only the year-round residents who call Texas home can be seen. The next day, countless wintering birds of all shapes and sizes are everywhere, confusing even the most attentive eye.

Countless blackbirds flock together during the winter

On a recent trip to Brazos Bend State Park here in Texas, about an hour southwest of Houston, we observed some spectacular flocking in action. Literally thousands upon thousands of blackbirds; Red-winged Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Common Grackles and European Starlings congregating on some farmer’s fields. They swarmed and swirled, seemingly in perfect coordination, lifting off and landing as a unit. And yet, this is not a sight you can readily behold on these bird wintering grounds. You don’t see flocks of thousands of these species doing this in the summer, so why do they do it in the winter???

These blackbirds have quite a few reasons for doing this in the winter but these flocking habits also have numerous downsides. First of all, on the positive side, foraging is greatly improved by the large flock as opposed to a single bird or a small group. The more eyes you have working together, the easier it is to find food! More eyes can also mean more safety from would-be predators, and trust me, there are a lot of them!

This brings us to one of the downsides of wintering flocks. Predators. Lots of them. Where there is food, there are consumers, waiting to, well, consume the food. Raptors see these blackbirds as one huge buffet just waiting to be sampled. In a small farmer’s field, we counted up to 20 raptors: about 10 Caracaras, many Red-tailed Hawks, several White-tailed Hawks, a Turkey Vulture and a couple of Northern Harriers, all exploring the delightful opportunity of a full stomach all winter long. If these hawks were to stick with the group of blackbirds, they could potentially always find one or two to pick off from the pack. The more birds in a flock, the more noise and commotion they make, rendering them easily visible targets.

Large concentrations of any living thing invariably bring with them two other depreciating factors; disease and competition. Avian diseases can be spread very quickly in such large flocks and may sometimes ravage a great portion of the local species. More birds might find better food sources but if there isn’t enough to go around, there simply isn’t enough. Weaker, slower and sick birds often will be the first to go hungry as they cannot compete with the healthier individuals.

It was definitely a neat sight to behold, especially when a raptor would plunge into the center of the throng, sending up explosions of blackbirds. One of the White-tailed Hawks that we spotted, an immature, had a very full crop (a muscular pouch near the throat used to store food), showing us that it had been eating well recently.

In the end, the advantages of these congregations greatly outweigh the disadvantages and it is a bewildering sight that will continue to captivate many a fortunate observer.

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Nov 28

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday Nov 28 at 1:45 pm.

Bird Sightings:

Nov 20:
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS (40+) near Pine Coulee Res., west of Staveley, Terry Korolyk.

Nov 24:
MARSH WREN at Taber Lake, LB.
COMMON GRACKLES (3) in Lethbridge, LB.

Nov 25:
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS (56) birding between Medicine Hat and Brooks, Milt Spitzer and Ben Velner.

Nov 26:
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS (8) in a kettle south of Calgary, TK.
KILLDEER (5) along the Bow River north of 22X bridge, TK.
KILLDEER (2) along the Elbow River, Bill Wilson.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Dec 1.

Bird Study Group meets 1st Wednesday of the month, Room 211, BioSciences Building, U of C. December meeting is Wednesday,December 7. Topic will be “Birding in
Brazil”, presented by Rob Worona. Meeting time is 7:30pm.

Update from Texas

Not really about Calgary birding, I thought I might try to squeeze in an occasional post about my experiences down south. Let me tell you, if you haven’t yet experienced Texas birding, you are most definitely missing out.

My family and I moved down to Texas back in August and were greeted by sweltering heat; temperatures regularly exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Since then, the temperatures have decreased considerably to a much more comfortable (and bearable) temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius, give or take a few degrees. This mild winter draws many species of avian visitors from up north and we have seen quite a few winter residents.

In my neighborhood, we regularly see Great Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Loggerhead Shrikes, White-winged Doves, Red-shouldered Hawks, Northern Cardinals, Field Sparrows and both Turkey and Black Vultures.

The neighborhood heron has allowed me to crawl close to get some photos

Since we have been down here, we have made several trips out to local hotspots. Our first trip, in September, was out to Galveston, where we saw some typical species of the Gulf Coast including Laughing Gull, Brown Pelican, Snowy Egret, Boat-tailed Grackle, Neotropic Cormorant, Royal Tern, Caspian Tern and Tricolored Heron. We also observed Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone and Magnificent Frigatebird.

A Royal Tern in winter plumage soaring over the Texas Gulf coast

Several other trips out to local parks since then have given us more year-round and winter birds including the likes of Red-bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, White Ibis, Cave Swallow, many species of sparrow and both species of Kinglet.

A trip to Brazos Bend State Park gave us the amazing sight of thousands of blackbirds, Crested Caracaras, Vermilion Flycatcher, both species of Whistling Duck and Roseate Spoonbill.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Our latest trip, to Anahuac NWR, yielded incredible flocks of  Snow Goose, Ross’ Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose all passing by low overhead; we counted thousands of geese! The refuge also had  Anhinga and Harris’ Hawk calling it home.

We have greatly enjoyed Texas birding so far and are looking forward to an exciting spring migration!

Posted by Matthew Sim

Autumn Birding in LaFarge Park

I continue to be amazed at the diversity of birds in Calgary that for one reason or another choose to overwinter here. When I signed up for the Autumn birding course with Fish Creek Provincial Park, led by the legendary Gus Yaki, I was expecting to learn a lot about the bird population of Calgary, but also expected that once the temperatures dropped and the usual summer birds migrated southward, that the walks would turn to more of a discussion and less spotting and identification of birds themselves. So far, I have been thankfully disappointed. Thirteen weeks into the course, I am still spotting new birds and exploring new locations for birding within the city limits.

This past weekend I spent Saturday morning in LaFarge Park and Sikome Lake, as well as a brief stop at the visitor’s centre before heading home. The first highlight of the day was one of the Great Horned Owls that have been roosting near the buildings at Sikome Lake for the past few years.

Owl is not amused.
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl
I see you seeing me

Moving on down we stopped to check out a local feeding spot that walkers, joggers and nature lovers keep well stocked year-round for the White-breasted Nuthatches, Black-capped Chickadees, and Downy Woodpeckers nearby.

Downy Woodpecker

Picking back up down the road at the boat-launch parking lot, we walked along the Bow River for the next couple of hours, spotting a number of species. Common Goldeneyes, Buffleheads, Common Mergansers, Mallards, Killdeer, and even a pair of Green-winged Teal were taking advantage of the warm weather to feed.

Common Goldeneye
Male (front) and female (rear) Common Goldeneye
Green-winged Teal (male)
Male (left) and two female (center, right) Common Mergansers

The highlight for me was the family of Bald Eagles that had taken up residence just south of Highway 22X. They were very tolerant of our intrusion into their park, and even posed quite nicely for us.

Adult Bald Eagles

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Adult Bald Eagle

A little further south , we were alerted to a flock of Common Redpoll in feeding from a stand of water birch, which allowed us to get very close before being flushed by something nearby, which would soon make its presence known.

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Just before reaching the southernmost point of our journey, we spotted a lone Killdeer walking across a gravel bar in the centre of the river, and it was moments later that the culprit who flushed the Common Redpolls appeared just over the opposite bank of the Bow River; this juvenile Northern Harrier.

Northern Harrier

Wheeling northward once again along the pathway we passed by the two juvenile Bald Eagles, who again seemed undisturbed by our proximity, and then onward to the vehicles. Only one more brave bird would present itself so beautifully at this far southern extent of the walk. A female Hairy Woodpecker industriously worked away at a fallen log, poking not one, but two separate holes through the bark and both times coming up with a tasty morsel.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

In our walk around the visitors centre a little later on, we were once again gifted with a Red-breasted Nuthatch along with a number of Black-capped Chickadees along the pathway, and a Northern Shrike being chased by a Black-billed Magpie as we returned to the parking lot. Sadly I wasn’t quite fast enough with the camera to catch that pair.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Posted by Daniel Arndt