Rare Bird Alert Calgary: August 11

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Thursday, Aug.11.

Bird Sightings:

MONDAY, August 8:

BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER(1), LESSER YELLOWLEGS(650), SANDERLING (8), SEMI-PALMATED SANDPIPER(250), LEAST SANDPIPER(70), WILSON’S PHALAROPE  (450), RED-NECKED PHALAROPE(600),all seen at the south end of Weed Lake , N of Glenmore Trail, just E of Langdon, by Terry Korolyk.
RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD(1), Southview area,Calgary, yard of Carol Coulter. Again seen on August 10.
BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER(1), Cypress Hills, Elkwater, Jermiah Kennedy, south side of the lake. Seen again on August 9 and 11. Possibly 5th record of this species for Alberta. For more details call Milt Spitzer at 403-528-3120.
WILSON’S WARBLER(6), backyard of Vivian Brissette in Maple Ridge area,Calgary; one was still there August 9th.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Monday August 15.

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: August 8

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday Aug 8.

Bird Sightings:

SUNDAY August 7

–SANDERLING (1 juv) – Weed Lake (Glenmore Tr just E of Langdon) by Terry Korolyk
–BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER (4) – location as above by TK
–RED-NECKED PHALAROPE (400) – location as above by TK
–RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD (1) –Big Hill Springs by Steve Kassai
–NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH (1) – location as above by SK
–ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER (2) – location as above by SK
–TENNESSEE WARBLER (1) – location as above by SK


All shorebirds and wading birds seen were observed at Weed Lake unless otherwise specified. Bill Wilson was out to Weed Lake earlier in the day
than Hank Vanderpol
–RED KNOT (1 juv) – by Hank Vanderpol
–AMERICAN AVOCET (33) – Bill Wilson
–BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER – 7 BW; 26 also seen by HV on Glenmore Tr E of Hwy 24, just west of the sod farm
–LONG-BILLED CURLEW (17) – Glenmore Tr E of Hwy 24, just W of the sod farm, by HV
–THREE-TOED WOODPECKER (3) – Brown Lowery Recreation Area (Plummer’s Rd, NW of Millarville) by Andrew Hart and CFNS field trip

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Aug. 11.

Cowbird vs Chipping Sparrow

We received an email from Larry & Angie in Innisfail a while ago, asking for help identifying a bird in their yard. They were confused because this bird was acting like a baby sparrow, being fed by an adult sparrow but appeared to be bigger than the adult. Their photogenic picture does a wonderful job of showing a juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird in action, and the difference in size between the two species.

As Matthew mentioned in his July Cowbird Catastrophe post on this blog, Cowbirds do not look after their own eggs, but lay them in the nests of other species. This poor Chipping Sparrow has already been outsized by this demanding youngster, and continues to burn up energy finding enough food for it. As Cowbird eggs hatch sooner than those of other birds and fledglings are known to eject the nest occupants, it’s likely this Chipping Sparrow did not raise any of his own young this year.

Posted by Pat Bumstead

Sunday Showcase: Long-eared Owls

These superb owl photos were sent to us by Russell Bachmann, who has been lucky enough to locate a few of these beautiful birds. I love the way these pictures typify any Long-eared sighting – you rarely see these birds when they’re not tucked away behind the branches! Click to enlarge.

Posted by Pat Bumstead

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Aug 4

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Thursday Aug.4.

Bird Sightings:

July 30:
–RUFF(1) Chappice Lake, appr.25km. NE of Medicine Hat along Hwy.41, by Bob Frew and others.

August 2:

August 4:
–NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD(1) , seen by Ben Velner in his back yard in Medicine Hat.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Monday Aug. 8.

Beautiful Loons

On a recent camping trip to Kikomun Creek Provincial park in south-eastern British Columbia (near Fernie), I spent hours out on the main lake at the campsite; Surveyor’s Lake, observing and photographing Common Loons. Home to a breeding pair of loons, Surveyor’s lake is a busy lake; hundreds of people crisscross the lake each day in canoes, rafts, paddleboats and kayaks. All these people, however, do not deter the loons and once again, they have nested in the area and have one big young one.

Due to all the traffic on this lake, the loons are not shy and will sometimes even approach people. At one point, I was sitting in my raft photographing these beautiful birds when one of the adults and the young one started to swim towards me. They came closer and closer until I could have touched the young loon with my paddle!

The young loon seemed to be doing an impression of an eel; he would get down low in the water and start swimming about. This last photo shows how close the young loon came; this was taken with my 500mm lens and is uncropped; I had to sit very still, otherwise a sudden motion would have scared the youngster away!

The adult loons were very protective of their young one; when an immature Bald Eagle flew low over the lake, the adult loons had already seen it, were loudly giving their alarm call and both parents were protectively circling around the young loon.

Occasionally, the loons were too fast for me and my camera and would dive right as I would take a photograph.

While I watched this loon family, they consumed a lot of food and I later found out that one pair of loons with two chicks will eat more than 1000 kg of small coarse fish over a breeding season. That is a lot of fish! Hopefully the lake is well stocked!

I immensely enjoyed watching this family; it was amazing to watch their lives as they try to raise the next generation of loons. I also saw hope; despite this species sensitivity to human disturbance, these loons can survive among humans and this adaptability could help keep these magnificent birds off the threatened species list.

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Aug 1

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Monday Aug 1 at 9:30 am.

Bird Sightings:

July 28:
either an immature CHESTNUT-SIDED or BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER , west FCPP, Terry Korolyk
WESTERN TANAGER, Inglewood BS, research team

July 29:

July 30:
LONG-BILLED DOWITCHERS (150), BLACK-NECKED STILTS (29), Weed Lake near Langdon, Bill Wilson.
NELSON’S SPARROW, at Hwy 791, north of Hwy 560, BW.

July 31:

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday Aug 4.

Must-see Birds: August

August means migration for many birds here in Calgary while others are having a second brood of young ones or are concentrating on raising their first brood. This month’s birds are:

1. Common Loon

Best known for its lonely echoing calls that are considered by most people to be heard in unspoiled wilderness. The Common Loon has a seemingly star-studded back, a white necklace and a bright red eye that stands out in the right light. The Common Loon can stay underwater for long periods, up to a minute while feeding and longer if the bird is escaping from danger. Common Loons inhabit clear, open lakes where there are few people and plenty of fish. They can be seen in the mountains, foothills, parkland and boreal forest but are few in the grasslands.

2. Western Meadowlark

A stocky bird with a grayish brown back and a yellow breast with a black V on the bib, the male Western Meadowlark delivers a rich melodious song from posts in the grasslands. The Meadowlark breeds where there is a thick growth of weeds and grasses, laying 3-7 white eggs. The male bird is beautiful and defends his territory with various displays. Look for the Meadowlark in grasslands around Calgary.

File:Western Meadowlark.jpg

Image courtesy Wikipedia

 3. Yellow-headed Blackbird

Our third bird is the loud and noisy Yellow-headed Blackbird. The male is easily recognized by his bright yellow head and neck, black eye patch and white wing patch. the female is brown and mottled with a faint yellow head. The Yellow-headed Blackbird nests in the same marshes as Red-winged Blackbird and will displace the smaller Red-winged Blackbird from the prime nesting spots. The yellow-headed Blackbird is easy to see at Frank lake.


4. Black-crowned Night-Heron

A small stocky heron that at times appears to have no neck, the Black-crowned Night-Heron has a greenish black crown and long slender white head plumes. Most active at night, the Black-crowned Night-Heron was not observed in Alberta until 1958; it is now a local breeder. these herons colonize large bodies of water with dense emergent vegetation; I have seen them at Frank lake every time I have gone there during the spring and summer.

5.  Peregrine Falcon

Our final bird this month is the speedy Peregrine falcon.One of the swiftest birds in the world when diving at prey, it can attain speeds of over 300km/h when diving. The adults are blue-grey above with barred underparts and a dark head with thick sideburns. One of the most widespread birds in the world, the name peregrine means ‘wanderer’ and the Peregrine falcon has one of the longest migrations of any North American bird. Look for this fast falcon nesting on the U of C campus and at shorebird concentration spots like Weed lake, where a Peregrine will hunt the migrating shorebirds.

File:Falco peregrinus nest USFWS.jpg

Image courtesy Wikipedia

These are our 5 birds for August, see which ones you can find! We will have our final must-see birds post on September 1.

Posted by Matthew Sim

Rare Bird Alert Calgary: July 28

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Thursday July 28 at 9:50 am.

Bird Sightings:

July 24
PINE SISKIN (5) – all seen on a Nature Calgary walk in Votier’s Flats FCPP, Janet Gill, Bernie Diebolt.

July 27
Leucosistic GREAT-HORNED OWL NW of Linden, Twp Rd 314,Rge Rd 261, Corrine Griffin (photos taken).

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Monday Aug 1.

The Woodpecker Tree

While on my latest bike ride into Fish Creek Provincial Park, I came across one very special tree. I have started calling it: The Woodpecker Tree. Standing proud and tall on the banks of the creek, this poplar tree seemed to be a gathering place for woodpecker food. I abruptly stopped on the dirt path I was riding on because I had heard a Hairy Woodpecker calling. I approached the tree for closer inspection and I was surprised to see 2 Downy Woodpeckers and a large female Hairy Woodpecker. Much to my surprise I heard another Downy Woodpecker calling high up in the tree and I looked up to see a male Downy Woodpecker and a White-breasted Nuthatch. I then heard a tapping coming from the opposite side of the tree and found it to be a male Hairy Woodpecker tapping away. Eventually, my final count of woodpeckers came up to 3 Hairy Woodpeckers, 4 Downy Woodpeckers and the lone White-breasted Nuthatch.

This tree obviously fulfilled the nourishment needs for 7 woodpeckers and a nuthatch. As I continued to watch all these birds, I saw them eating insects, tapping at fungal growths on the tree and investigating sap.

After a dozen of  minutes or so, the woodpeckers started to spread out into the surrounding area to hunt down more food. Yet some of the birds, stayed on the woodpecker tree, clearly enjoying the abundance of good food.

Now, I can’t help but wonder if this is a regular occurrence at this tree, or was it a one-time event?

Posted by Matthew Sim