Calgary City Nature Challenge Results

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Back in April, Calgarians participated for the second time in the City Nature Challenge. This year, with better weather and the addition of participants in Cochrane, Airdie, Okotoks, and Chestermere, we exceeded all of the 2019 results. This was despite the inability, due to Covid-19, of having organized field trips with many observers. Participants were more or less on their own, but nevetheless 248 observers submitted 5,557 observations, from which 759 species have so far been identified.

Downy Woodpecker
A Downy Woodpecker I photographed on April 24, 2020 for the City Nature Challenge.
Calgary, photo by Bob Lefebvre

You can view the Project Page on iNaturalist to see all the local observations. Some highlights include a bobcat with prey, a raccoon seen downtown, and a moose in Fish Creek Park. There were 110 bird species reported, including uncommon species like Steller’s Jay, Turkey Vulture, and Wild Turkey (the local celebrity Ramsay Turkey).

You can explore all of the bird reports here.

Calgary was one of eleven Canadian Cities that took part in the Challenge, and led them all in number of particpants, number of species reported, and number of observations made.

There were 244 cities worldwide which took part in 2020. See the Project Page on iNaturalist to view all the results. The most observations made was 34,474 in Cape Town, South Africa. San Francisco had the most people making observations with 2,678. The highest number of species reported was 2,937 in Houston-Galveston. In all, over 33,000 species were reported.

City Nature Challenge 2020

Congratulations to Matthew Wallace for his efforts in organizing and promoting the Calgary City Nature Challenge. I look forward to next year’s event!

Stay-At-Home Birding: Some Backyard Birds

Here are some birds seen recently by local birders in their yards. Lots of great birds can still been seen while staying at home! Some of these are migrating and won’t be seen in the summer, but others are year-round residents.

Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Patrice O’Brien.
Black-capped Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Patrice O’Brien.
Blue Jay
Blue Jay, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Patrice O’Brien.
American Robin
American Robin, Okotoks, April 2020. Photo by Lloyd Bligh.
Downy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Jane Potter.
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Jane Potter.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Jane Potter.
House Finch
House Finches, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Jane Potter.

Finally, here is a photo of a Varied Thrush that Karen Bout photographed in her yard in April. I have heard of three or four reports of Varied Thrushes passing through the city this spring, and there were at least three that overwintered here this year.

Varied Thrush
Varied Thrush, Calgary, April 2020. Photo by Karen Bout.

May can be even better for migrants passing through city yards, so if you are isolating at home, keep an eye open!

Thanks to all the readers that submitted photos.

Birding and the City Nature Challenge

I mentioned before that a smartphone is the best tool for taking photos of insects and getting close-ups of plants, but not great for birds since they are usually too far away. But many of you birders carry cameras these days, and you can submit your bird photos for the City Nature Challenge. They can easily be uploaded to the iNaturalist website on your desktop computer.

So if you are out this weekend (anytime until Monday at midnight), take lots of bird photos to upload later. You have until May 3rd to upload them, and if they are taken in the city, in Airdrie, Chestermere, or Cochrane, they will be added to the Calgary Challenge.

If you’re lucky you might find an unusual species. Last year I found a Fox Sparrow at Carburn Park.

Fox Sparrow
Fox Sparrow, Carburn Park, Calgary, April 28, 2019. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

But remember, iNaturalist and the City nature Challenge is about documenting all living things, so don’t neglect common species, and get them in multiple locations too. You may also see some mammals, trees, and other things you can photograph. You can also photograph evidence of life, such as feathers, nests, spider webs, hare forms, and so on.

Check out this page to see how many species and observations have been submitted so far in Calgary. We are at over 1000 observations and 300 species reported already by 10 am Saturday morning!

Message About the CNC

City Nature Challenge

Matthew Wallace, who has done such a great job of organizing the Calgary City Nature Challenge for the past two years, would like to encourage everyone with an interest in nature to participate. Matthew says that this is “a great opportunity to get people focused on nature, science, conservation, and stewardship.”

He continues:

In early March when the scope of COVID-19 became a reality, it was difficult for me to grasp that months of work might be reduced to an event cancellation notice. I took some time to consider options and how the CNC YYC could weather this storm. Since then I have updated the website, hosted webinars, and adapted public messaging to promote the event as an opportunity to experience nature close to home while respecting all COVID-19 advisories.  In Canada and particularly Calgary, we are so fortunate to have nature integrated into our landscape. I feel that now more than ever, people will begin to understand nature (and access to it) is essential to our personal and community well-being.

“Nature Close To Home” means investigating those critters that live in the deepest corners of our homes, learning about the weeds that we wrestle with in our gardens, showcasing those incredible animals that use habitat in our yards, balconies, alleyways, neighborhoods in the day (and the night). Calgary’s parks are incredible and there is an abundance of flora and fauna we often take for granted but this an opportune time to investigate and learn. These are all places we can encourage people in the Calgary region to explore safely: Explore independently and avoid groups, exercise physical distancing, wash your hands, Do not share equipment (such as phones or binoculars). At the same time, let’s remember to respect our parks by staying on trails, use designated trash bins, not removing plants nor disturbing wildlife, and keeping dogs on-leash (and picking up after them), and respecting other people’s personal space to enjoy nature their own way. 

I hope you can help me to spread this message. Remember, people should take photographs or make audio recordings April 24-27 and upload them to or to the app by midnight May 3 (People in Okotoks may use ABMI’s NatureLynx app to make their observations). Any observations made in Calgary, Cochrane, Airdrie, Okotoks, and Chestermere will automatically count towards CNC YYC. By doing this, they are contributing scientifically valuable information that is available to researchers and scientists around the world. City Nature Challenge is not just for nature buffs but it’s also for families and educators. I’ve posted all of the CNC YYC social media and website information at the bottom of this message. The website contains an entire page of COVID-19 information I encourage you to check out.

Despite having to cancel all of our events due to COVID-19 I want to personally thank you for your support and help to engage the communities within the Calgary region. I hope you’ll tap further into your networks and definitely participate yourself in the challenge next week. Let’s see how many people we can engage, how many species we can find, and how many observations we can make!

Naturally, Matt

Calgary CNC page on iNaturalist

Calgary City Nature Challenge webpage

Facebook page


Global CNC page – see all cities taking part

City Nature Challenge This Weekend

  • Friday through Monday, April 24 -27
  • Anyone can participate

If you can take a photo with your smartphone, you can participate in the City Nature Challenge. Just download the iNaturalist app, take a photo of any living thing or sign of it, and upload the photo.

The app will help to identify what you saw using its AI, and the worldwide community of participants (many of whom are experts in their fields) will also help to narrow it down to a particular species.

If you have a camera you can also upload your photos to the iNaturalist site on your desktop. This works great for birds and mammals. For insects and small plants a smartphone is best.

This can easily be done safely in your yard. Document all the plants (domestic or wild), insects, birds or mammals you see. You can also go to any park or anywhere at all in the city to do it.

Red Fox
Red Fox I saw in the city last April. I’ll be looking for them this weekend for the CNC.

This is very easy to do, and it’s a lot of fun. Any observations you make in the Calgary City Nature Challenge area will automatically become part of the challenge, and added to the growing database of our biodiversity.

Don’t neglect the species in your house – fruit flies, spiders, plants! Turn over some rocks and leaf litter in your yard and find some bugs and ants!

Lichens are Everywhere, and easy to overlook!

Read about the challenge on iNaturalist here. Note that you can also participate in Okotoks, Airdrie, Chestermere, and Cochrane this year.

Safe Birding and Backyard Birding

April 11, 2020. Posted by Bob Lefebvre.

With the current Covid-19 situation, it is not safe right now to bird in groups, and may not be for a long time. Nature Calgary has cancelled all group field trips for the time being, and the Friends of Fish Creek Spring Birding Course has been postponed. The BirdYYC2020 Challenge has also been suspended. Provincial and National Parks are closed.

Spring migration is under way (despite the winter-like weather we’ve been having), but I have not been publicizing any sightings at specific locations, to try to avoid having crowds gather there. Of course there are other ways for word to get around, and many people are getting out.

There is no problem with birding alone, or with another person from your household. If you do go, here are some guidelines from eBird on how to do so safely:

  • Keep your optics to yourself. Don’t share your scope, binoculars, or camera with others; disinfect the eye caps of your optics after each birding trip.
  • Maintain distance. If you are birding near others (whether they are birders or not), maintain at least 6 feet of space between yourself and other people at all times. Take turns at blinds, shelters, and in other situations where proper distancing may not be possible.
  • Avoid touching communal surfaces. This includes railings, doorknobs, handles, and other frequently used areas of public sites. If you touch these surfaces, wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer immediately.
  • Respect restrictions and closures. Check if your favorite park, trail, or wildlife refuge is still open before heading outside. Plan your birding trips in accordance with the latest recommendations of your local authorities.
  • Share checklists, not phones: eBird Mobile users should avoid passing phones to review checklists for the time being. Confirm lists verbally before submission and if you need to make changes after you submit, it is easy to share and correct lists on the eBird Mobile app!

See the entire article on birding mindfully on eBird Canada.

One way that birders can stay safe and continue birding is to do it their own yards. Many of us already feed the birds and watch them in our yards regularly. This is a chance to increase the number of hours we spend looking for new species in or from our yards, and a great opportunity for more people to begin backyard birding.

Here is another article from eBird Canada on how to get the most out of birding at home. I encourage you to use eBird to record what you see. If you are interested in comparing what you see in your yard to what others are seeing, you can set up a Yard List on eBird. See these eBird Help Centre articles for instructions. And here is a more detailed article I wrote on setting up Yard Lists. I’m sure some of you have thought about starting on eBird or setting up Patch and Yard lists, but just never had the time before. Maybe now is a good time to start!

If you do feed birds in your yard, you may want to take advantage of the delivery service offered by the Wild Bird Store in Calgary. Go to their web page to see how to get bird feeders or seed delivered to you. You can also do contactless pickup at the store. These are good options so that you keep your risk to a minimum and support a local business.

I have been having problems with my camera so I’m unable to share any new photos I’ve taken in my yard. I’ve had huge European Starling flocks lately (often eating crabapples), Robins in the birdbath, occasional Bohemian Waxwing flocks eating crabapples, a nesting pair of Eurasian Collared-Doves, and a local Merlin who has chased the Starlings a few times.

Reynold Reid also had a Merlin in his yard in the Chaparral neighbourhood in SE Calgary recently, and luckily for us his camera is working fine!

Merlin with prey, Calgary, March 26, 2020. Photo by Reynold Reid.

The Merlin is eating a rather large prey species. Can anyone identify it? I have an idea but would like to hear what you think.

If you have been getting good photos of backyard birds in Calgary and would like to share them here, email them to birdscalgary[at] Until I get my camera working properly I’ll post some of them, and some of my older photos.

City Nature Challenge 2020

  • April 24-27, 2020
  • Modified due to Covid-19
  • Expanded to Calgary metropolitan area
  • Everyone welcome to participate!

The second annual Calgary City Nature Challenge will go ahead on April 24-27, 2020. Once again, Matthew Wallace is doing a great job of organizing and promoting this valuable citizen science project.

This year, an expanded Calgary metropolitan area will include Airdrie, Cochrane, Okotoks, and Chestermere. Calgary will be competing with over 200 other cities around the world to try to identify as many species of wildlife as possible.

Last year there were many organized group activities in the CNC, but due to Covid-19 these will not be taking place this year. However, people can easily participate by themselves by taking photos of any living thing and uploading it to the iNaturalist website or app.

Calgary City Nature Challenge

For all the updated information on how to participate, see the Calgary CNC website here.

Download the iNaturalist app or sign up on the webpage. Then start taking pictures of wildlife and uploading them. There is no need to wait until April 24 to get started, but please try to help out on that weekend!

Bird YYC2020 Challenge Suspended

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

With spring finally in the air and migrants starting to arrive in numbers, this is the time of year that birders anticipate the most. This year was especially exciting for Calgary birders who were involved in the 2020 Challenge, a year-long effort to see as many species as one could within the city limits.

Harlequin Ducks, seen by many birders in the city this winter. Photo by Andrew Hart.

However, the Covid-19 crisis has made it impossible to continue group outings, and we really want to encourage people to stay home as much as possible. As you may know, Nature Calgary outings and the Friends of Fish Creek birding course have also been suspended. Reluctantly, the Challenge has been suspended. We have a few ideas as to how, if, or when to resume, which I’ll address at the end.

It’s too bad, because we were lucky enough to find quite a few great birds in the city for the winter months, and several birders had recorded over 60 species already. The WhatsApp Rare bird Alert (which has been suspended) enabled participants to rapidly re-find rarities as they were reported. One example is Gyrfalcon, a very unusual bird to get in the city limits. But many participants were able to find one that was feeding on Mallards inside the city, after it was reported on the app. (There may have been as many as three Gyrfalcons in the area over the course of a week a couple of months ago.)

Gyrfalcon, near Maycroft in SW Alberta, January 30, 2020. Photo by Raymond Toal.

Here is the statement from Howard Heffler about suspending the Challenge:

The BirdYYC2020 began as idea to repeat, taking advantage of modern online tools, the big year birding competitions previously held in Calgary in 2000 and 2010. Andrew Hart, Bob Lefebvre, and – later, gratefully, joined by Gavin McKinnon – agreed we would organize and promote the event.

We hoped to create enthusiasm in the Calgary birding community to “get out there and go birding”. AND, to share your sightings with others. We also hoped to collect the data to allow comparison with what had be done 10 and 20 years previously.

Modern digital tools, eBird being the main one, but also smart phones and a variety of in-the-field tools to assist birders of all levels, have changed the landscape. What fun to compare the new with the old. The best example is Gavin setting up the WhatsApp Rare Bird alert that allows anyone to instantly receive notification of a rare bird reported by other participants.

But the fun is over. For the foreseeable future at least.

The four of us have come to the unhappy decision that what we are doing is promoting unnecessary and unwarranted social contact at a time when the entire society is relying on each other to act responsibility.

We have decided to stop supporting any BirdYYC2020 initiatives. The first step has been to shut down the WhatsApp Rare Bird Group.

I sincerely hope that the actions being taken by our federal and provincial governments will slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This is a threat to our global culture and economy that we are only just beginning to understand.

The best – and honestly ONLY – defense against community spread at this time is to minimize infection by strict social distancing and, where warranted, self-isolation.

A couple of days ago I “chased” a reported sighting of a Eurasian Wigeon at Carburn Park. When I arrived, I walked briskly to the likely observation spot. I interacted with other people, some were birders, and some were not. Some I knew. And some I did not. I set up my scope. Within minutes there was a small group of interested passersby. To the best of my knowledge I am not infected. I expect everyone else in that small group also felt the same way. I, and they, would hate to think that we are contributing to the spread of the virus.

But we are. So, I for one, am going to stop. The other three (Andrew, Bob, and Gavin) feel the same.

We are not going to participate in a forum that promotes unnecessary social contact.

At this time, there is no government directive to not go outdoors for a walk etc. That may change. For me, the potential public health risk resulting from random, unnecessary excursions from your home is best described in an article by a very reputable medical reporter, Andre Picard. See:

This is really unfortunate. The BirdYYC challenge was generating a lot of interest.  There are over 60 people registered and a similar number who have established the BirdYYC2020 patch. I feel we were headed toward a truly “big year”.

What shall we do? Here is one idea. We could select a date, such as March 31st , and declare the end of this birding year. Then, next April 1st, 2021, we all start again. A bit unorthodox, I know. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

We will immediately stop promoting BirdYYC2020. We have shut down the WhatsApp group.

Stay tuned. Over the next weeks things may change.

Personally, I am still in a quandary if and how to continue birding this year. I have decided, it will not be in a group.

Best health to you all.


As Howard mentioned, eBird is of course still operational, and any Patch Lists are still valid, so you can add to your lists. I added one in my yard yesterday. Some people are still (very carefully) going out birding, although many parks are now closed.

So how do we continue the Challenge? Howard made one suggestion, and I’ll add a few. If you are a Challenge participant please email me at birdscalgary(at), or Howard at hheffler(at)

  • Suspend the current Patch Lists on March 31, and resume the Challenge on April 1 of 2021. This presents some logistical difficulties, since eBird won’t be tracking the totals for a split year. It would take a little more work on the part of the organizers. I also think that birders are pretty attached to one-year lists and may not like a split year either.
  • When safe, resume the Challenge in 2020. For example, we could resume on July 1 and continue to December 31. This would mean that the entire spring migration would be missed (individual birders can of course still add species in the spring but there would be no group outings and much would be missed by most participants). Many species missed in the spring can be found again in the fall, but not all.
  • Cancel the Challenge for this year, but start over from scratch in 2021. Our experiences this year would be a sort of trial run. This would mean there is an 11-year gap between this Challenge and the 2010 one, and (presumably) a 9-year gap until the next one, instead of the intended 10 years. A minor point in my opinion.
  • Cancel the Challenge. The next City Challenge would be in 2030.

Of these, I favour re-starting the Challenge from scratch in 2021. If you have an opinion, or any other ideas on how to resume, please let us know.

Birds & Beers, April 2020 – CANCELLED

The Birds & Beers event that was scheduled in Calgary for Thursday, April 2, 2020 has been cancelled due to concerns about Covid-19.

Future scheduled Birds and Beers events of Thursday, May 7 and Thursday, June 25 are on hold until further notice.

In the meantime, you can drink beer and watch birds in your yard. That’s what I’ve been doing!

Eurasian Collared-Doves in my yard. This photo was taken in April 2019, but the pair is back nesting here again this year. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

Birds & Beers, March 5, 2020

We were unable to get our usual late-February date for Birds & Beers, so we will be meeting next on Thursday March 5th.

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch#285,

9202 Horton Road SW.

Thursday March 5, 2020, 6:00-9:00 pm.

Dan Edwards will be presenting “Birds of the Great Ocean Walk,” a birding-oriented travelogue of his trip hiking the Great Ocean Walk in southern Australia last October. The presentation will begin at about 7:15 pm.

Kookaburra. Photo by Daniel Edwards.

Everyone is welcome to attend Birds & Beers, and there is no charge. We will meet in the big ballroom at the Legion. Food and drinks are available at reasonable prices, and children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Come early if you want to avoid the lineup at the kitchen.