Spring Waterfowl at Confederation Park, Part 2

More duck species photographed at Confederation Park in NW Calgary in March and April 2018 by Ron Chiasson. See Part 1 for more photos and a map of the park.

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail, male.

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail, male, with female Mallard in background.

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail, male.

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail, male.

Ring-necked Duck

Ring-necked Duck, male.

Ring-necked Duck

Ring-necked Duck, female.

Ring-necked Duck

Ring-necked Duck, male.

Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler, male.

Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler, male.

American Wigeon

American Wigeon, male.

American Wigeon

American Wigeon, male, with Mallards in background.

American Wigeon

American Wigeon, male.

American Wigeon

American Wigeon, male (front), with male Northern Pintail (middle), and male Mallard (back).

You can see more of Ron Chiasson’s work here.

Spring Waterfowl at Confederation Park, Part 1

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser, Confederation Park, Calgary, April 14, 2018. Photo by Ron Chiasson.

As I mentioned in a previous post (Winter Birds of Confederation Park), this NW city park is under-appreciated by many local birders, who only go there for the fall warbler migration.

Confederation Park runs on both sides of 10 Street NW but the best birding is along the creek and around the pond that is in the western half, between 10 Street and 14 Street. There is a parking lot at the Rosemont Community Association, and plentiful on-street parking on Roselawn Crescent, near the pond, and on other nearby residential streets.

Confederation Park

Confederation Park between 10 Street and 14 Street NW.

Here are some of the many waterfowl species that can be seen during the spring migration on the pond. More will follow in part 2.

All photos are by Ron Chiasson, and were taken in March and April of 2018.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye, female.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye, female.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye, male.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye pair.

Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser, male.

Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser, male.


Mallard dabbling.


Mallard (male) landing. Northern Pintail in background.


Mallard, female.


Mallards mating.

You can see more of Ron Chiasson’s work here.

Furry Friday: Beavers and Porcupine

Here are some very photogenic mammals seen in Calgary in April 2018 by Tony LePrieur. The Beavers were photographed in Fish Creek Provincial Park, and the Porcupine in Carburn Park.








You can see more of Tony’s photos on this page.

World Migratory Bird Day, Sunday May 13

Head down to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary this Sunday, May 13, between 11 am and 3 pm for a celebration of World Migratory Bird Day.

Migratory Bird Day

This free event for the whole family will feature guided tours of the sanctuary, nature-themed games and crafts, and lots of information about Calgary birds from local birding experts.

Read about the event on this website


Boreal Owl in the City

Jim Washbrook and other residents of a Northeast Calgary neighbourhood were treated to a rare sight in late March when a Boreal Owl spent a few hours posing for photographs during daylight hours. These rarely seen little owls are nocturnal and live in the Boreal forest. Many birders have never seen or even heard one.

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl, Calgary, March 28, 2018. Photo by Jim Washbrook.

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl, Calgary, March 28, 2018. Photo by Jim Washbrook.

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl, Calgary, March 28, 2018. Photo by Jim Washbrook.

Sarah Bradley also took some photos of the owl sitting in the vines. Photos below by Sarah Bradley, Calgary, March 28, 2018.

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl

Boreal Owl

The owl apparently moved on and was not seen again after that afternoon. Nice to have one of these come to you instead of having to go look for it!

Global Big Day, Saturday May 5, 2018

Tomorrow is the fourth annual Global Big Day organized by the Cornell lab of Ornithology. Birders all over the world are encouraged to go birding and report their sightings on eBird. The goal is to see how many of the world’s 10,000+ species can be found, and to get reports from as many places and as many people as possible.

Global Big Day

Global Big Day 2018. Image from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

The first such Big Day in 2015 had 6,085 species reported, which almost doubled the previous best day on eBird. Last year, on May 13, almost 20,000 people from 150 countries contributed more than 50,000 checklists containing 6,564 species. This is truly an important record of the state of the birds in the world.

To take part, just go birding anywhere you want to, and report your sightings on eBird. There is no need to spend the whole day – just spend some time counting birds in your local park, your yard, or anywhere you like.

You can read more about the 2018 Global Big Day here. You can also watch in real time as the results come in on this page.

If you have not used eBird before, it is very easy to get started. All the information you need is on their site. Start here to learn how it works, and then sign in and get started.

Note: If you want to contribute on Saturday but have not yet started using eBird, please just record the information about your outing (the location, the time spent birding, the species you see, and their approximate numbers), and you can enter the data into eBird later. Your sightings will be added to the Big Day. If you have trouble getting started with eBird, email me at birdscalgary[at]gmail.com and I’ll try to help. But read the information on the eBird site first.

Ospreys and Other Returning Birds

Spring Birds of Calgary, photographed by Tony LePrieur.


Osprey, Fish Creek Park, April 19, 2018.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron, Fish Creek Park, April 15, 2018.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron, Fish Creek Park, April 15, 2018.

American Robin (male), Fish Creek Park, April 15, 2018. There are lots of robins back now but most are still males. The females arrive a little later.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing, Queen’s Park Cemetery, April 15, 2018. Migrating Cedar Waxwings don’t return until late May, so this is an overwintering bird.

Hooded Merganser

Hooded Merganser (female type), Bowmont Park, April 15, 2018.

More of Tony’s photos can be seen on his Flickr page here.

Birds & Beers, April 26, 2018

King Penguin

King Penguins. Photo by Diane Stinson.

Birds & Beers this month will feature a talk and photo presentation by Calgary birder Diane Stinson, about a recent trip that she and her husband Rob took to Antarctica.

Diane says, “Rob and I went on a trip in January to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula.  As there are not enough superlatives to describe what we experienced, I hope that this photographic presentation will provide a journey in spirit.  While the focus will be birds (including 7 species of penguins and the South Georgia Pipit – the southern-most song bird in the world), there will also be images of whales, seals, icebergs and even some flowers. One of the highlights of the trip was standing on the edge of a colony of an estimated 500,000 King Penguins in St. Andrew’s Bay, South Georgia.”

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch #285

9202 Horton Road SW

Thursday April 26, 2018, 6:00-9:00 pm

Everyone is welcome at Birds & Beers, including children if accompanied by an adult. It is an informal social get-together, with food and drinks available. For the first hour or so you can visit with your fellow birders, and the presentation will start after 7 pm. If you can’t be there at 6 come any time until 7.

Upcoming Birds & Beers dates, all at the same time and place: Thursday May 24, Thursday June 21.