Rare Bird Alert Calgary: April 2

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at birdscalgary@gmail.com.  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

Bird Sightings:

March 28
–LAPLAND LONGSPUR (20-30) Hanna area, by Ted Manning.

March 29
–FOX SPARROW, Mallard Point, FCPP(Fish Creek Provincial Park), by Gus Yaki et al.
–SONG SPARROW, same as above. One also seen along the Bow by Marcel Gahbauer, and on April 1, two were seen by Dan Arndt et al at LaFarge Meadows in FCPP.
–Hybrid GLAUCOUS/GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, seen by MG, on Bow River west of the Crowchild bridge.
–GLAUCOUS GULL, by MG, same as above; two seen by Bill Wilson at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 31, and one seen by Tony Timmons on April 1 at LaFarge Meadows.
–RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD, Mallard Point, by GY et al. Three also seen by TK on April 1 at Clear Lake.

March 30
–RING-NECKED DUCK(3),and CANVASBACK, by Randy ?, at Weed Lake, Langdon area.
–GREATER SCAUP(2), Bow River, N.of 22x bridge, by Terry Korolyk. Terry also saw 110 at Clear Lake, and 40 at Pine Coulee Reservoir on April 1.

March 31
–CACKLING GOOSE (possible Minima subsp.) in a slough along Garden Rd., Calgary, by TK

April 1
–VARIED THRUSH, Grand Valley Rd, NW of Cochrane, by Ian Maton
–TREE SWALLOW, LaFarge Meadows, FCPP, by Janet Gill.
–TRUMPETER SWANS and TUNDRA SWANS (1500), Silver Lake, by TK.
–WESTERN MEADOWLARK(3), Clear Lake, by TK.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday April 5.

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