Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Dec 26

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This report was prepared on Monday December 26.

Bird Sightings:

October – December 26:  –RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER: Around since October 2011, the woodpecker continues to be seen in the same location as previously reported, in High River.

Dec. 24:

–NORTHERN HAWK OWL: Just west of Turner Valley along Hwy.546. Seen previously on Dec. 19.

–NORTHERN SHRIKE: Glenmore Reservoir, south escarpment W.of yacht club. By Bill Wilson.

–EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE: Deer River Green, SE Calgary, by Dave Breckon.

–PEREGRINE FALCON: W. of Black Diamond.

–TUNDRA SWAN(1): Frank Lake. Previously reported from the High River CBC.

Dec. 25:     –VARIED THRUSH:(1), seen in yard of Bob Lefebvre in SE Calgary.

Dec.26:      –SNOWY OWL(3), east of Calgary, by Terry Korolyk.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday, December 29.

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