Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Feb 2

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at birdscalgary@gmail.com.  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This report was prepared on Thursday, Feb.2.

January 15
–NORTHERN CARDINAL(f). Seen in the Brittania area of Calgary since at least Jan.15.No further details known.

January 29
–AMERICAN ROBIN, Lowery Gardens, W. of Edworthy Park, by Steve Kassai.
–PINE GROSSBEAK, 11 found in Edworthy Park, 13 in Lowery Gardens, by SK.

January 30
–TRUMPETER SWAN(2). Seen on the Bow River W.of Exshaw, by G. Gorden.

February 1
–NORTHERN GOSHAWK(2).One along the Elbow River, by GY, and one in the Sandy Beach are of the Elbow River, by Phil Cram.
–NORTHERN SHRIKE(2). One seen along the Elbow River by Gus Yaki et.al, and one seen in W. Bowness Park by Gary Malcolm.
–TOWNSEND SOLITAIRE(4).Along the Elbow River during the monthly Elbow River Survey, by GY.
–HARRIS’ SPARROW(imm).Seen along 51st. Ave, about 2km east of 52nd.Str.SE. by Yousif Attia and Ilya Povalyaev.
–WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW(1) same location and observers as above.

The next scheduled update of the bird alert is Monday Feb 6.

2 thoughts on “Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Feb 2

  1. I don’t know if they were rare birds, but I saw some on my lawn this afternoon I couldn’t identify. They appeared to have a reddish-brown head and breast, while their backs were grayish-black with a splash of white. I noticed them picking up pine cones on multiple occasions, if this is any help.

    • It’s not a lot to go on, but these could possibly be Pine Grosbeaks, which might fit your description. I haven’t seen them picking up cones like that. Another bird that does sometimes pick cones up off the ground is the White-winged Crossbill. The males of both these species have reddish colour on the head and breast. Have a look at pictures of these birds online and see if they match. If you see these birds again, check the bill length and shape. Grosbeaks have a short stubby bill, while crossbills have a beak with crossed tips.

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