Rare Bird Alert Calgary: June 4

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, email us at birdscalgary@gmail.com.  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

Compiler: Terry Korolyk

May 30:
–BAY-BREASTED WARBLER: Seen in backyard of Joy Van Dusen in the Huntington Hills area of Calgary.

May 31:
–HARLEQUIN DUCK: Elbow Falls area SW of Calgary, by Sandra Savage
–RUDDY TURNSTONE: S. end of Weed lake, E.of Langdon, by Pat Mitchell et al.

June 2:
–SANDERLING(3), BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER(2), LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER(10), E side of Third Lake, 224Str.SE , 2km. S. of Hwy. 552,, by Terry Korolyk.
–SEMI-PALMATED SANDPIPER, slough along Hwy.552 and RR 255, by TK.

June 3:
–UPLAND SANDPIPER(1), SHORT-EARED OWL, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER, RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, AND WHITE-FACED IBIS, all seen by Andrew Slater on or around the south end of Eagle Lake. See Alberta Birds report for full details on locations.
–WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW: Several reports from around Calgary by several observers.

The next scheduled update of the Bird Alert is on Thursday June 7.

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