Rare Bird Alert Calgary: Nov 24

Have you seen an unusual bird in Calgary? If it is on this Reportable_Birds (PDF), please report it to the Nature Calgary Rare Bird Alert line at 403 221-4519 and leave a message after the beep at the end of the recording. If you would like some help with species identification, us email us at zoxox@shaw.ca  To report injured wildlife call the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society at 403 239-2488, or the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation at 403 946-2361.

This Bird Alert was recorded on Nov 24, 2011.

–SNOWY OWL (1f) – RgeRd 263 south of TwpRd 262 (Keoma area) by Ron Kube
–BROWN CREEPER (a few) – reported in Calgary area recently

–KILLDEER (5) – LaFarge Meadows (south of Hull’s Wood in east Fish Creek PP) by Gus Yaki and the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial ParkSociety (FFCPPS)
–REDHEAD (1 juv) – location and observers as above
–GREEN-WINGED TEAL (2) – location and observers as above
–GADWALL (2) – location and observers as above
–FALCON sp (large falcon) – location and observers as above
–DARK-EYED JUNCO (3-4) – Oakridge subdivision in SW Calgary by MargaretBrunner
–EVENING GROSBEAK (3m) – location and observer as above

–WILSON’S SNIPE (1+) – LaFarge Meadows by GY and FFCPPS
–NORTHERN HARRIER (1 juv) – location and observers as above
–KILLDEER (1) – location and observers as above

–AMERICAN ROBIN (12) – along the pathway near the Yacht Club in South Glenmore Park by MB

–SNOWY OWL (4) – RgeRd 261 just north of TwpRd 262 by RK; RgeRd 281just north of TwpRd 250 by RK; Hwy 23 a few km east of Blackie by Terry Korolyk; 242 St in SE corner of Frank Lake by TK
–COMMON REDPOLL (750) – road going south from Carseland Weir by TK.
Several observers recently reported HOARY REDPOLLS in REDPOLL flocks

The next scheduled update of the bird alert is on Mon Nov 28.

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