Tag Archive | birds calgary blog

Learn About Birds With Dr. Bird

Six-Part Virtual Speaker Series Presented by Dr. David Bird

The Wild Bird Store is presenting a six-part weekly speaker series beginning on June 17. The six lectures will continue every Thursday evening until July 22.

Dr. David Bird poster

David Bird is a respected professor, writer, and speaker with a wealth of knowledge about the birds of Canada. For more information and to purchase tickets to all six of these online presentations, go to this Eventbrite page.

The Wild Bird Store also offers many other speaker events throughout the year. Go to their website and sign up for the newsletter to keep informed of upcoming talks and events.

Get Involved in the Calgary May Species Count

The Calgary count on May 29 and 30 still has some areas that need surveyors.

The May Species Count is an annual event in which birders count the number of birds of each species within the 80-km diameter circle centred in Calgary. The circle is divided up into many smaller territories, and there are a few that so far are not covered this year.

  • Area 2: FCPP Bridge 6 to Macleod Trail (Votiers Flats)
  • Area 3: FCPP Macleod Trail to Bridge 13 (Glennfield)
  • Area 4: FCPP Burnsmead South to Lafarge Meadows
  • Area 31: Irricana
  • Area 37: Acme/Carbon
  • 43b: Confluence Park – pending
  • 43g: Pine Creek Water Treatment Plant
  • 43j: Nose Hill Park – pending
The Calgary count circle with the rural territories marked. The city is also divided up into many territories.

If you are an experienced birder and want to participate by covering one of the areas above, contact John McFaul at alpglow[at]telus.net. He will provide details of the procedures and a description of the territory to be covered.

Birders and the City Nature Challenge

As a birder, how do you contribute to the upcoming City Nature Challenge? Simply put, take a lot of photos of birds from April 30 to May 3 anywhere in Calgary, Cochrane, Okotoks, Chestermere, Airdrie and Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. You will have until May 9 to upload the photos to iNaturalist.

House Finch
Don’t neglect common species like this House Finch! It’s fun to spend some time documenting all the living things you can find in your yard.

You can photograph any living thing to upload to iNaturalist, but I would really like the local birding community to start contributing more bird photos. Many iNaturalist users take photos only with cell phones, which are ideal for photographing plants and insects, but not great for getting identifiable picture of birds. Calgary-area birders take thousands of high-quality bird photos every day.

Your bird photos do not have to be perfect, just good enough so that other iNaturalist users can identify them. It’s also important to get photos of common species that you may not normally bother to photograph.

Most birders have cell phones as well as cameras, so if you’re out birding this weekend, spend some time to photograph trees, flowers, and insects as well.

If you are not an iNaturalist user, you will still have until May 9 to upload your photos to the site or phone app.

It would be great to get a lot of reports from Airdrie, Chestermere, Okotoks, Cochrane, and Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park as well as from the city. If you are really ambitious, try to go to some areas that are new to you. The idea is to get documentation of living things everywhere within the Calgary metropolitan area, not just in city parks or well-travelled natural areas.

Have fun!

City Nature Challenge 2021

Once again Calgary (and the nearby communities of Cochrane, Okotoks, Airdrie, and Chestermere, plus Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park) will be participating in the City Nature Challenge. From April 30 to May 3, anyone can participate in this fun, important, and fast-growing citizen-science project. People in hundreds of cities around the world will be photographing plants, birds, mammals, and anything else in nature to capture a record of worldwide urban biodiversity.

White-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrows should be around for the CNC. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

From the CNC 2021 Calgary Metropolitan Region website:

City Nature Challenge Calgary is back for the third year! Take photos of urban flora and fauna April 30-May 3 2021, then share to iNaturalist. Look for nature in your yards, neighborhoods, and local parks. Explore anywhere in Calgary, Cochrane, Okotoks, Airdrie, Chestermere, and Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. Any photos taken April 30-May 3 and shared to iNaturalist before May 9 will be included.   Join the 2021 iNaturalist Project to Stay up to date!

So starting on Friday morning, take as many photos as you can of birds, plants, insects, and any other living things. You will have until May 9 to upload your photos to iNaturalist.

Shaganappi Point and Edworthy Park – A New History

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Many Calgary birders are familiar with the book Treasures Of The Trail, a beautifully illustrated nature guide to Edworthy Park, Lawry Gardens, and the Douglas Fir Trail. It was published in 2002 by the Edworthy Park Heritage Society. Now the society is planning to publish a new history of the area with much previously unpublished information. You can pre-order a copy, and once enough people have ordered it, publication will go ahead and you will then be contacted for payment. It is $30 for the new book and a copy of Treasures Of The Trail will be also be included! A great value, especially for those of you who do not have a copy of the older book.

Here is the information about this from the society:

Shaganappi Point and Edworthy Park: A New History by the Edworthy Park Heritage Society.

Edworthy Park
C.P.R. Quarry  outcrops along the Douglas Fir Trail. Photo courtesy of Anna Sanders © Anna Sanders, Edworthy Park Heritage Society

The Society has written an extensive history of the park area with much previously unpublished information gathered from historic newspapers, diaries, and archives across Canada.

Part I discusses Indigenous and Métis culture and history of the area, including the three Blackfoot names for this ancient territory, plus whether there was a Métis settlement at Shaganappi. Was there an indigenous trail in the area? And much more…

Part II discusses settlement, colonization history including unpublished information about the Government of Canada quarries at Shaganappi Point (Quarry Road Trail), and the C.P.R. quarries (next to the Douglas Fir Trail), the Thomas Edworthy quarries and the four brick plants of the park, the struggle between William Pearce vs. John Lawrey, the “old lime kiln”. It has many fine black and white photos and  a few hand-tinted vintage postcard photos.

Very few copies of the book will be published and we expect to almost sell out through pre-orders. In order to raise the money to print it, we are taking pre-orders.  The book is only available in a package with the Society’s nature guide, Treasures of the Trail,  included as a bonus, free of charge. It is $30 per copy plus postage where applicable. To pre-order, please send us an email at: eparkhs[at]gmail.com We will acknowledge your pre-order. If we have enough funds to print it, we will then contact you for payment. (P.S. The book will not be put on the internet).  Please support the Society and its new book!

Treasures Of The Trail
Treasures Of The Trail

Citizen Science in 2021 – Get Involved!

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

One of the great things about being a birder or nature enthusiast is the opportunity to get involved in citizen science projects. There are dozens of ongoing projects every year where you can contribute data to scientific studies, learn about local habitats and wildlife populations, and contribute to the public’s understanding of nature and of the importance of conservation.

Photographing a Black-capped Chickadee on a Christmas Bird Count in Calgary.

In addition to permanent year-round projects like eBird which records birds all over the world and iNaturalist which records any living thing, there are a number of annual events that you can participate in.

  • Winter Bug Count
  • Great Backyard Bird Count
  • City Nature Challenge
  • Global eBird Big Day
  • May Species Count
  • Christmas Bird Count
  • and many more

If you are interested in taking part in any of these local citizen science projects, or in getting more information about them, please fill out the form at this link:

Citizen Science Events 2021

Matthew Wallace, who created this form and organizes several local citizen science projects, will send you information or put you in touch with the organizers of whichever projects you are interested in. Whether you have participated before or are new to these projects, please fill out the form and get involved in 2021!

Results of Calgary Christmas Bird Count 2020

We had a very successful Christmas Bird Count in Calgary on Sunday December 20th. The weather was mild with virtually no snow on the ground, although it was a little windy. Despite Covid precautions, the field routes were all covered, and we had a record number of Feeder Watchers counting birds in their yards (thanks largely to the efforts of Matthew Wallace).

Northern Saw-whet Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl. This one was seen by a Feeder Watcher a few days before the count, but we did get another one on count day in another part of the city. Photo by Janet Gill.

Preliminary results, provided by compiler Phil Cram, show that there were 70 species counted, which is one of the higher totals we’ve had in the 69 years of the count. Most significantly, there were three new species never before seen on the CBC: Anna’s Hummingbird, Swainson’s Thrush and Mountain Bluebird, bringing our cumulative species count to 142.

Here are the results with the total number of each species seen:


Besides the three new species, there were other notable results:

Unusual Species: Green-winged Teal and Evening Grosbeak.

Record High Counts: Northern Flicker (328) and Black-billed Magpie (3063) – probably due to increased coverage.

Also High Count: White-throated Sparrow (10).

Low Counts: Gray Partridge, Eurasian Collared-Dove, Northern Goshawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Bohemian Waxwing, Common Redpoll, Red Crossbill, White-winged Crossbill and Pine Siskin (see sheet for numbers).

Noteworthy Missed Species: American Wigeon, Ruffed Grouse, Killdeer, Red-tailed Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Snow Bunting and American Tree Sparrow.

Count-week (not seen on count day, but in the period three days prior or three days after): Snow Goose and Hoary Redpoll.

It seems that during the pandemic there has been a really big increase in the number of people taking up birding, and many more people are watching birds in their yards. We had 154 observers in 128 households counting birds. Feeder Watchers counted 35 species, including the only Northern Saw-whet Owl, the only Anna’s Hummingbird, and the only Purple Finch seen.

Feeder-Watcher Results:

Canada Goose658
Rock Pigeon96
Sharp-shinned Hawk3
Downy Woodpecker81
Hairy Woodpecker6
Northern Flicker113
Blue Jay58
Black-billed Magpie471
Common Raven38
Black-capped Chickadee275
Red-breasted Nuthatch147
White-breasted Nuthatch18
European Starling2
American Robin4
Bohemian Waxwing6
House Sparrow1037
House Finch400
Dark-eyed Junco34
White-throated Sparrow7
White-winged Crossbill4
Pine Siskin21
American Crow20
Anna’s Hummingbird1
Mountain Chickadee2
Northern Saw-whet Owl1
Bald Eagle2
Purple Finch1
Common Merganser4
Great Horned Owl1
Gray Partridge10
Common Redpoll3
Ring-necked Pheasant7
Total Bird Species:35
Total Bird Count:3712
Total Observers:154

Next post: Sign up to get involved in next year’s Christmas Bird Count, and other Citizen Science Projects.

Calgary Christmas Bird Count 2020

The 69th annual Calgary Christmas Bird Count will take place this year on Sunday December 20th. This is one of over 2,000 counts that will take place in the Western Hemisphere this year. Teams spread out within a predetermined count circle and count every bird they see or hear on count day.  The information gathered by thousands of volunteers over the years has been an invaluable source of information about population trends in the bird world.

Bald Eagle
A Bald Eagle seen on the count in 2014. Photo by Bob Lefebvre.

There are two ways to participate in the count: By joining a team in the field, or by watching and counting birds at the feeders in your yard. Covid restrictions will apply to the field counters.

Christmas Bird Count
Counting waterfowl on the river for CBC 2019. Photo by Kathleen Johnson.

The Calgary CBC was started in 1952 and the Feeder Watchers were added in 1984. The Feeder Watch is the component of the CBC that gets those involved that either don’t want to go out in the field, or are unable to. There is a wealth of bird life to be found regularly at feeders and these feeder counts are added to the counts from in the field. Birds may be counted at your residence within the count circle – a circle 24 kilometers in diameter centred on the Louise Bridge. In the 2019 CBC over 49,000 birds were counted in Calgary, of sixty-three different species. Feeder watchers recorded thirty-five species. The feeder watcher role is an important one.

We are no longer taking registrations for the 2020 count, but if you are interested in participating next year, or if you want more information, email me at birdscalgary[at]gmail.com. Next year’s Calgary Christmas Bird Count is on Sunday December 19, 2021.

Varied Thrush
A Varied Thrush that overwintered in my yard in 2011-12. It’s a possibility for Feeder Watchers on the Christmas Bird Count. Photo by Bob Lefebvre.
American Porcupine
Mammals are counted too. A porcupine found on the 2012 count. Photo by Troy Bourque.

Weaselhead Virtual AGM – Open to Everyone

Free Zoom meeting this Wednesday December 9 includes a presentation about the upcoming Calgary Christmas Bird Count.

Common Redpoll
Common Redpoll, Weaselhead, January 8, 2017. Photo by Tony LePrieur.

The Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and restoring the ecosystems of the Weaselhead Nature Area and surrounding parks, as well as providing educational programs for the public. (See their webpage here).

This Wednesday, December 9, will be the Annual General Meeting of the Society, from 6:50 to 8:30 pm. Everyone, whether a member or not, is welcome to attend this online Zoom meeting. It will feature a presentation about the Christmas Bird Count program by Yousif Attia, the Bird Canada national CBC Coordinator, and Phil Cram, who coordinates the Calgary CBC. The Calgary CBC will be held on Sunday December 20 this year, so if you are interested in this annual event, sign up for this presentation.

The event is free but you do have to register so you will be sent the sign-up code for the meeting. See this page to register.

After hearing about the great work that the Society does, you may want to become a member. It is only $25 for a lifetime membership! Join here.

Winter Birding Course

The Winter session of the Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society (FFCPPS) Birding Course begins on January 11, 2021. They are now taking registrations for this 11-week series of once-weekly field trips to parks throughout Calgary.

Bohemian Waxwing
Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Dan Arndt.

This course is a great way to learn about the birds and the natural areas of Calgary. In winter, many birds are in large flocks, and are easier to find in the bare trees.

Some of the sessions are beginning to fill up but there are still many options. Here is more information from the FFCPP website:

Winter is one of the best seasons for getting outside to learn about birds and other wildlife. Brave the cooler weather and explore the world of birds in Fish Creek Provincial Park. The 11 week Winter Birding Course is perfect for anyone who wants to see and learn about birds in their natural habitat, and it provides an amazing opportunity for families to get together and experience nature here in Fish Creek.

The number of course participants will be limited and health and safety precautions will be in place. (Note: The participants are split into two or three smaller groups each day.)

  • Monday – Thursday course, limit of 27 participants – Please Note that the Tuesday class is now full to capacity
  • Saturday and Sunday mornings, limit of 25 participants
  • Sunday afternoon, limit of 20 participants

Each session lasts approximately 2.5 hours and participants can sign up for 1 or 2 outings per week.

Start times Monday – Thursday: 9:15 am. Saturdays: 9:00 am, Sundays: 9:00 am and 1:15 pm
Fee: Once a week outing, Friends of Fish Creek Members: $60.00, Non-members: $100.00 
Twice a week outings, Friends Members: $100.00, Non-members: $150.00 

See the website here for more information on the course or to register. You can also purchase a FFCPPS membership here.