Tag Archive | birds of calgary

Little Brown Birds

I have a first-year White-crowned Sparrow in my yard today.   This isn’t too unusual – I usually get a few of these going through in both spring and fall.  But a few years ago, before I became serious about birding, I never would have noticed this bird.  It would have been lost among the dozens of House Sparrows in my yard.

Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow

One of the first things a beginning birder should do is familiarize themselves with all the common birds they see every day.  For the backyard birder, this means not only birds like magpies and chickadees, which are distinctive, but also all the little brown birds which crowd the feeders every day.  The vast majority of these in Calgary will be House Sparrows, and in the last few years, House Finches.

House Sparrows have two distinct costumes – the brown/white/grey/chestnut of the adult male, and the dull brown/grey of the female and juvenile.  The male’s plumage is quite distinctive.  The amount of black in the bib can vary, and the colours are more crisp in the summer, but with a little practice the males can be recognized easily.
In contrast, the females and the young are quite plain (females and the young of both sexes look alike).  For me, the key identifying feature is the pale line behind the eye.  An important field mark for all House Sparrows is their unstreaked breast.  If it has spots or streaks on the breast, it isn’t a House Sparrow.

Young male House Sparrow


Female House Sparrow


House Finches are the same length as House Sparrows, but a little slimmer, and they weigh less.  They all have streaked breasts.  The adult males have colour on their heads, breast and rump, which is usually orange-red or pinkish, but can occasionally be orange or even yellowish.  Females and young are plain grey, but have heavily streaked breasts.

Female House Finch

Male House Finch

Spend some time learning to recognize House Sparrows and House Finches in your yard, and then any unusual little brown birds will jump right out at you.  In the last five years, I have had nine species of native sparrows in my yard – White-crowned, White-throated, Lincoln’s, Savannah, Harris’s, Chipping, Clay-coloured, American Tree Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Juncos.  I have also had Purple Finches, which are easy to spot once you know the House Finches.  There are several other sparrows, and many other little brown birds, that you could get besides these.
Although it’s fun to watch the House Sparrows and House Finches at your feeders, it’s always exciting whenever you see a little brown bird in the yard and realize “That’s something new!”

American Tree Sparrow

Harris's Sparrow

Bob Lefebvre

Nature Calgary Fall Field Trips

The following nature walks are free, and open to all. Join us as we get to know Calgary & the birds better!


Sat Sep 26, 9am: Bird Mallard Point, E end of Canyon Meadows Dr SE. Leader, Howard Heffler, 403-284-2961

Sun Sep 27, 8:30am: Bird Wyndham-Carseland Prov. Park. Bring lunch. Meet at Anderson LRT (Macleod Tr) S. of pedestrian walkway. Leader, Howard Heffler, 403-284-2961.


Thu Oct 1, 8am: Monthly Elbow River Birding Survey. Meet Stanley Park, 42 Av SW, just W of Macleod Tr. Walk to Glenmore Reservoir, ride back (3.5 hours). Call leaders, Aileen Pelzer/Gus Yaki, 403-243-2248, to ensure vehicle space for return.

Sat Oct 3, 9am: Bird Votier’s Flats, FCPP at South end of Elbow Drive SW. Leader, Howard Heffler, 403-284-2961.

Sun Oct 4, 8:30am: Bird Eagle Lake and vicinity. Meet Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, E end of 9 Av SE. Leader, Rob Worona, 403-984-7655.

Sat Oct 10, 9:30am: Peak of Golden Eagle Migration, Mt. Lorette. Bring lunch. Meet Assumption School, 34th Av NW (NW corner of Sarcee Tr at Hwy #1).  Leader, Andrew Hart, 403-279-5209.

Sun Oct 11, 9am: Bird North Glenmore Park. Meet Weaselhead Parking lot, 37 St & 66 Av SW.  Leader, Rob Worona, 403-984-7655.

Sat Oct 17, 8am: Full day Raptor and Eagle Watching, Windy Point, Sheep River. Meet Anderson LRT (Macleod Tr), S of Pedestrian Overpass. Bring lunch, thermos of hot drink, warm, windproof clothing. 350 m climb to lookout site. Leader, Peter Roxburgh, 403-271-7033.

Sat Oct 17, 9:30am: Late fall birding for rare gulls, loons, other waterfowl, late passerines and others (approximately 6 hrs). Meet N. Glenmore Park, in large lot overlooking the reservoir, west of the rowing club. Leader Terry Korolyk, 403-254-1878.

Sun Oct 18, Bird Griffith Woods Park, 2.5km W on Hwy 8 from Sarcee Tr SW, then left at 69 St SW into Discovery Ridge. Continue straight at traffic circle, then left on Discovery Link into parking lot. Leader, Grant Brydle, 403-720-4957

NOVEMBER (Note daylight savings time ends Sun Nov 1/09)

Sun Nov 1, 8:15am: Monthly Elbow River Birding Survey. Meet Stanley Park, 42 Av SW, just W of Macleod Tr. Walk to Glenmore Reservoir, ride back (3.5 hours). Call leaders, Aileen Pelzer/Gus Yaki, 403-243-2248, to ensure vehicle space for return.

Sun Nov 8, 9am: Bird the Bow River. Meet FCPP HQ parking lot, off Bow Bottom Trail SE. Leader, Tony Timmons, 403-256-0754.

Sun Nov 15, 9am: Bird Bebo Grove-Shannon Terrace, FCPP. Meet parking lot S end of 24 St SW. Leader, Gus Yaki, 403-243-2248.

Sun Nov 22, 9am: Bird Votier’s Flats, FCPP, S end of Elbow Dr SW. Leader, Grant Brydle, 403-720-4957.

Sun Nov 29, 8:30am; Bird Sibbald/Exshaw/Harvie Heights. Meet Assumption School, 34th Av NW (NW corner of Sarcee Tr at Hwy #1). Bring lunch. Leader, Andrew Hart, 403-279-5209.

Early Bird Prize

Preparations are well under way for the Birds Calgary 2010 Event!

We would like to announce we will be awarding an “early bird” prize to one lucky participant. The winner will be selected by a random draw
from among everyone who is registered by midnight of October 31, 2009.

Birds Calgary 2010 is a friendly competition, free and open to all.

Participants keep a list of the bird species they see within the city in 2010, and submit their results quarterly. There are many different categories and some special competitions. The complete rules can be seen on the Nature Calgary website.

One objective of this competition is to encourage new birders and young people to participate. We hope to increase the number of people involved in birding and nature study in Calgary, with the long-term goal of strengthening the voice of the conservation movement in Alberta.

We are offering prizes as incentives, and if we can get a large number of registrants, we will be in a stronger position to solicit local companies for prizes and sponsorship. With that in mind we would like everyone to register as soon as possible, and to encourage others to do so.

Obliging Owl

Thank you to Dale Palmer for your email. He and his father were at Nose Hill Park last week, and snapped these photos of a Great Horned Owl. These big birds are not usually so obliging – they’re usually tucked away inside the branches, and require more than one look to see them. Great timing!

Great horned owl, Nose Hill Park

GHO nose hill park

If you have pictures of birds in Calgary you would like to share, please email them to us at birdscount@shaw.ca and we’ll be happy to post them on the blog. Feel free to brag about your photos!

Pat Bumstead