Posted by Bob Lefebvre
One of the great things about being a birder or nature enthusiast is the opportunity to get involved in citizen science projects. There are dozens of ongoing projects every year where you can contribute data to scientific studies, learn about local habitats and wildlife populations, and contribute to the public’s understanding of nature and of the importance of conservation.

In addition to permanent year-round projects like eBird which records birds all over the world and iNaturalist which records any living thing, there are a number of annual events that you can participate in.
- Winter Bug Count
- Great Backyard Bird Count
- City Nature Challenge
- Global eBird Big Day
- May Species Count
- Christmas Bird Count
- and many more
If you are interested in taking part in any of these local citizen science projects, or in getting more information about them, please fill out the form at this link:
Matthew Wallace, who created this form and organizes several local citizen science projects, will send you information or put you in touch with the organizers of whichever projects you are interested in. Whether you have participated before or are new to these projects, please fill out the form and get involved in 2021!