Tag Archive | Nature Presentation

Calendar – November 2018

Events & Lectures of interest to Calgary birders.

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee, Bebo Grove, October 26, 2015. Photo by Tony LePrieur.

Nature Calgary Field Trips: Various dates and times. See this page. Some trips require registering in advance.

Wednesday November 7, 7:30 pm, Cardel Theatre. Nature Calgary Bird Study Group presentation. Antarctic Adventures by Diane Stinson. Free for Nature Calgary members (bring your card) and $5 for non-members, payable at the door.

Saturday November 10 (all day): The Cochrane Research Institute. Symposium: Wilderness, Wildlife, and Human Interaction – Changing the Paradigm. $40, Cochrane Ranchehouse. Tickets, information, location here.

Thursday November 29, 6 pm. Birds & Beers. A social event for anyone interested in birds. Featuring a presentation by Joan and Wayne Walker (beginning at about 7:15 pm) on their recent trip to Africa. Royal Canadian Legion, 9202 Horton Road SW. Free; everyone welcome.

Wednesday December 5, 7:30 pm. Cardel Theatre. Nature Calgary Bird Study Group presentation. “Getting Down” with Calgary Area Birds. A tour of Calgary area birds as seen through the lens of amateur nature photographer Tony LePrieur. Tony’s photos have featured prominently on Birds Calgary for several years; come and see how he gets his great photos. Free for Nature Calgary members (bring your card) and $5 for non-members, payable at the door.

Sunday December 16. Calgary Christmas Bird Count. Count birds in the field or at your feeders. Contact Phil Cram (field) at crampj*at*telusplanet.net and Barb Coote (feeders) at barbcoote*at*gmail.com.

Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Birding Course. Now taking registrations for the winter session, beginning January 7, 2019.


Birds & Beers, April 26, 2018

King Penguin

King Penguins. Photo by Diane Stinson.

Birds & Beers this month will feature a talk and photo presentation by Calgary birder Diane Stinson, about a recent trip that she and her husband Rob took to Antarctica.

Diane says, “Rob and I went on a trip in January to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula.  As there are not enough superlatives to describe what we experienced, I hope that this photographic presentation will provide a journey in spirit.  While the focus will be birds (including 7 species of penguins and the South Georgia Pipit – the southern-most song bird in the world), there will also be images of whales, seals, icebergs and even some flowers. One of the highlights of the trip was standing on the edge of a colony of an estimated 500,000 King Penguins in St. Andrew’s Bay, South Georgia.”

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch #285

9202 Horton Road SW

Thursday April 26, 2018, 6:00-9:00 pm

Everyone is welcome at Birds & Beers, including children if accompanied by an adult. It is an informal social get-together, with food and drinks available. For the first hour or so you can visit with your fellow birders, and the presentation will start after 7 pm. If you can’t be there at 6 come any time until 7.

Upcoming Birds & Beers dates, all at the same time and place: Thursday May 24, Thursday June 21.

Gus Yaki Presentation at Birds & Beers, November 2017

Update: Gus Yaki will give a presentation on Part Two of his Prairie Walk at the Birds & Beers meeting this Thursday. He spoke about Part One at our August meeting.

This spring, to celebrate Canada 150, Gus led a group of about 40 people on a walk along the southern Alberta border from Saskatchewan to British Columbia. Come out to hear about the birds and other wildlife they saw, and see photos of the trip.

The event will start at 6 pm and there will be lots of time for a meal or drink and a visit with your fellow birders before Gus speaks after 7 pm. We will be in the big Ballroom this time, so there’s plenty of room for everyone!

In addition, Dan Arndt will have 2018 Calendars featuring his best bird photos from the past year available for sale. Bring some extra cash and get one for yourself or for a gift.

The November Birds & Beers will be held next Thursday evening, November 23. This will be the last one until the new year. Anyone who wants to come for an informal chat with your fellow birders is welcome. Food and drinks are available, and children are welcome too if accompanied by an adult.

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch #285

9202 Horton Road SW

Thursday November 23, 2017, 6:00-9:00 pm

Boreal Chickadee by Dan Arndt.

If you’d like to see Gus’s presentation but can’t make it to Birds & Beers, he will also be speaking at The Wild Bird Store twice on Saturday, and at the Cochrane Public Library next Tuesday.

Part 2: From Writing-on-Stone Prov. Park to BC Border: 12 – 22 June 2017.

There are also three presentations about Part One of the talk coming up:

Part 1: From SK border to Writing-on-Stone Prov. Park: 19 to 29 May 2017. 


Gus Yaki Presentation at Birds & Beers, November 2017

Update: Gus Yaki will give a presentation on Part Two of his Prairie Walk at the Birds & Beers meeting this Thursday. He spoke about Part One at our August meeting.

This spring, to celebrate Canada 150, Gus led a group of about 40 people on a walk along the southern Alberta border from Saskatchewan to British Columbia. Come out to hear about the birds and other wildlife they saw, and see photos of the trip.

The event will start at 6 pm and there will be lots of time for a meal or drink and a visit with your fellow birders before Gus speaks after 7 pm. We will be in the big Ballroom this time, so there’s plenty of room for everyone!

In addition, Dan Arndt will have 2018 Calendars featuring his best bird photos from the past year available for sale. Bring some extra cash and get one for yourself or for a gift.

The November Birds & Beers will be held next Thursday evening, November 23. This will be the last one until the new year. Anyone who wants to come for an informal chat with your fellow birders is welcome. Food and drinks are available, and children are welcome too if accompanied by an adult.

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch #285

9202 Horton Road SW

Thursday November 23, 2017, 6:00-9:00 pm

Boreal Chickadee by Dan Arndt.

If you’d like to see Gus’s presentation but can’t make it to Birds & Beers, he will also be speaking at The Wild Bird Store twice on Saturday, and at the Cochrane Public Library next Tuesday.

Part 2: From Writing-on-Stone Prov. Park to BC Border: 12 – 22 June 2017.

There are also three presentations about Part One of the talk coming up:

Part 1: From SK border to Writing-on-Stone Prov. Park: 19 to 29 May 2017.