This weekend the renowned birder Tom Hince will be giving seminars at the Wild Bird Store in Calgary on the subject of the world-famous birding hotspot, Point Pelee, Ontario. This is a place that many local birders have visited for its amazing variety of migrating birds, and that the rest of us would love to visit some day.

The Friday seminar is now full but you can still get tickets for Saturday by phoning the number above or dropping in to the store.
Here are the FAQ’s about this presentation:
What Will I Learn From This Seminar?
For avid birders, a trip to Point Pelee should be a must do on your list! In “The Park That Birds and Birders Built” seminar, Tom will discuss Point Pelee Park, its importance and why you should visit the park. He will also let the audience know how to prepare and plan for a visit to the park.
Besides Point Pelee, What Else Will I Learn From This Seminar?
Besides Point Pelee, Tom will talk about his birding experiences around the world including birding in the Cold Lake area. As Tom has spent a lot of time in this area, he will discuss his Cold Lake birding experiences. This will also include a discussion on finding warblers and other eastern songbirds in the area.
Will There Be Time To Ask Questions?
Yes, of course! During and at the end of the seminar Tom will take audience questions. Tom Hince is an ornithologist and professional birding guide. He has traveled various areas of the world looking for and studying a great number of birds. If you have a birding question that’s been bugging you, make sure you ask it at the seminar!
Will Refreshments and Snacks be Served at the Seminar?
Yes both refreshments and snacks will be served at the seminar! In addition, The Wild Bird Store has secured some great door prizes for both seminar days. We will have ballots and a draw box set up before you enter the seminar room so make sure you enter!
I Understand Tom Hince Has A Book. Will There Be Copies Available for Tom to Sign?
Yes. We will have a limited number of Tom Hince’s “A Birder’s Guide To Point Pelee” available for sale at the seminar. He will sign books after the seminar.
Call now to book your spot at this event!