Wednesday Wings: Chasing Rarities – Purple Sandpiper – First Alberta Record

Posted by Dan Arndt

Local photographer Eddy Matoud stumbled across this incredibly rare bird on Thursday, May 9. Once the dust had settled and it had been positively identified as a Purple Sandpiper, I knew I couldn’t miss my chance to see this bird for myself. Late Friday afternoon I headed down to Inglewood Bird Sanctuary where Eddy had found it the first time, and spent about an hour photographing it, digiscoping it, and just observing its behaviour. Sadly, it was gone the very next day, disappointing many who had gone out early in the weekend in hopes to see it.

Enjoy the photos!

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Purple Sandpiper – a very rare visitor

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At least there’s plenty of food around for it.

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Splish splash

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Drying off the wings

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Now that’s a stretch.

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Don’t shoot! I’m unarmed!

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Fetch, Piper, fetch! Good bird!

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Another light snack

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Migration is a hungry task.

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What are YOU looking at?

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Yep, still here.

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What do you mean “lost”? I know exactly where I am…

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No, that’s not an egg.

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K, bye!


5 thoughts on “Wednesday Wings: Chasing Rarities – Purple Sandpiper – First Alberta Record

  1. Pingback: Birding News #18 | Prairie Birder

  2. Dan – good photos! Matthew had told me about this visitor however I was one of those who did not make it in time so I appreciate your images all the more.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this, Dan. Your photos are wonderful, as always, and it is great to be able to see this Purple Sandpiper through your lenses, even sensing its movement on the shore.

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