Wednesday Wings: Horned Larks

If you’ve taken any pictures of interesting birds in the Calgary region, you can share them with us by emailing and we may post them on the blog.

We received these amazing photos of Horned Larks from Joe Harley.  Horned larks have been returning to the area for the past few weeks and can be seen along rural roads.  They can be very hard to photograph but Joe got a few great shots.

Joe writes:

We’d like to compliment the writers of the blog; we enjoy all the articles (and photos).  Thought I’d share the Lark family, photographed on Family day [February 20], not far from Kinbrook Marsh.  That’s all I was able to get of the Larks. We were in the midst of photographing Pronghorns when the Lark opportunity occurred.

(click photos to enlarge)

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