
Elegance Defined: the Townsend’s Solitaire

By Cathy Warwick

Down by the river in Sandy Beach there lives a couple of Townsend’s Solitaire. The Solitaire belongs to the Thrush family and so it’s no surprise that it looks very similar to a Robin. Same size, same grey body, good posture and big black eyes. It is just missing the big red belly, an easy giveaway. If you take a closer look you will also see that the Solitaires’ eyes have an elegant white ring around them.

Townsend's Solitaire
The Townsend’s Solitaire has a sleeker, more sophisticated appearance than the Robin. Look at that careful white eyeliner and those tasteful wing stripes. Don’t let its dapper appearance fool you however, it’s ready to fight for those Juniper Berries!
(Photo from wikimedia commons, no restrictions.)

These Sandy Beach birds must have found a good patch of Juniper Berries and set up shop around them. The Solitaire loves Juniper Berries, especially in the winter. According to “All About Birds” a Solitaire will eat between 42,000 to 84,000 berries a winter. I’m not sure how they came up with those numbers but at the very least we know it’s a heck of a lot of Juniper berries! They very aggressively defend their berries from all other birds, including Robins and other Solitaires.

Part of their defense is singing their beautiful song. I’m not sure if the ones in Sandy Beach have little competition or what but, unhappily, they are very quiet. This is too bad because the Townsend’s Solitaire has one of the most beautiful bird songs around. If you tried to bring to mind a beautiful birdsong, it would probably sound like this bird. It’s a lot like a Robin but more complex and varied. Maybe if I started conspicuously eating their Juniper Berries they will start singing. It would be worth the bitter taste to hear them.

Townsend's Solitaire
This photo shows the hint of orange you can sometimes see in the wing bar area. Photo by Dan Arndt.

The ‘Solitaire’ in its name refers to its solitary nature. It’s not sharing those Junipers with a flock of other birds. They prefer to stick it out alone or in a pair. When they nest it is usually in a sheltered hollow on a cliff side. The female bird will use pine needles to build the nest and then line it with grasses and bark, making it soft for the 3 to 5 babies she will have. According to the internet the babies are speckled and rather cute. Of course I’ve never seen a nest or a Townsend Solitaire chick with my own eyes, it’s hard enough to see the adults! 

Townsend's Solitaire
Here is a very young Townsend’s Solitaire that Bob Lefebvre and Dan Arndt found on the Livingstone Ranch Golf Course west of the city on June 6, 2015. It likely fledged that day. Photo by Dan Arndt.

So take a walk down in Sandy Beach, on the west side of the bridge in the trees, to find them and add them to your life list. They like to perch at the top of trees, where they can better protect their Juniper crop.

Birds & Beers, February 13, 2025.

Featuring a talk on the Birds of Indonesia.

Thursday, February 13, is the next Birds & Beers in Calgary. Join us from 5 to 9 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, 9202 Horton Road SW. Everyone is welcome.

At 7 pm there will be a presentation by Dianne and Bob Leonhardt on The Birds of Indonesia.

Bali Myna
Critically endangered Bali Mynas in West Bali National Park. Photo by Bob Leonhardt.

Note: This is a repeat of the talk given in January 2024, with some changes. If you missed it, make sure to attend this time!

Indonesia is the fourteenth largest country in the world by area.  It consists of over 17,000 islands.  By population it is the fourth largest country in the world with approximately 279 million people.  This may seem like an odd choice for a birding tour; however, Indonesia also contains approximately 1800 species of birds, including 786 endemics.  So in September of 2023 we flew from Calgary to Vancouver to Tokyo and on to Jakarta to participate in a 20 day birding tour with Naturalist Journeys.  On this tour we visited five islands, including Sumatra, Java, Bali, Flores and Komodo.  We experienced several different types of environments and ended up seeing approximately 270 species of birds, the majority of which were lifers for us.  Some of the most notable species were the Javan Trogon, the Javan Banded Pitta, the Bali Myna, Red and Green Jungle Fowl, and Milky Storks.  There were many more, some of which will be shown in this presentation.  A final highlight of the tour was a trip to Komodo National Park on Komodo Island to see the infamous Komodo Dragons.

A Big Black Bird

By Cathy Warwick.

Most people know that a flock of crows is called a “Murder of Crows” – it’s probably the most popular collective noun for birds. Did you know a flock of Ravens is called an “Unkindness of Ravens”? Still not very cheery, but better than murder. Perhaps some songbirds got together and made these up, they are very apt for their experience of Crows and Ravens. These big black birds love eating eggs from nests.

Common Raven
Common Ravens mate for life and are often seen in pairs. Here, the one on the left is grooming the head feathers of its mate on the right. Photographed in Banff National Park in October 2019 by Bob Lefebvre.

If you have ever seen a Raven up close you may agree with me when I say they are the more impressive of the two birds. If you want to get a close look at one, take out a sandwich in a ski hill parking lot, the Ravens will come flying in! I always remark on how big they are up close, every time. Their black feathers are so impeccably black they almost bend the light around them. Then they have impressive fluffy neck feathers and a massive black beak. Their intelligent eyes pierce into yours and for a second you may consider throwing the sandwich at them while you make your getaway. I once saw a Raven take a grocery bag of food right out of the back of a truck. As it was flying away I saw there was a box of cereal in its bag, unsurprisingly it had chosen wisely. Ravens are well known for being one of the more intelligent birds. 

Common Raven
A close up of a Common Raven’s ruffled neck feathers, huge bill, and intelligent eyes. Dario Taraborelli, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

A Crow is an interesting bird also, smaller than a Raven but also intelligent. They have smaller beaks and smoother feathers. They also tend to flock together more than Ravens. If you have been to Burnaby, BC, which is a known evening roost for Crows, you will see huge flocks, all cawing relentlessly. They are so loud you need to raise your own voice to be heard. I’m not sure what the point of all the cawing is, the first caw sounds exactly like the 1000th, it’s some kind of Crow conversation. Crows have very sophisticated social relationships, which is a big reason for their success as a species.  

American Crow
An American Crow. Up close, the neck feathers say Crow.
Photo by Diane Stinson

A big black bird is flying in the air above your neighbourhood, which is it ? A Crow or a Raven? Here is a handy guide to help out: 

  • Wing movement: a Raven glides and a Crow flaps
  • Tail shape: a Raven has a large wedge shaped tail, a Crow has a flat fan
  • Number of them: a Raven is alone or in a pair, Crows tend to flock together
  • Vocalization: Crows caw and Ravens croak, gurgle, squawk, rattle
  • Size: Ravens are bigger, which isn’t very helpful when there is a faraway bird against a blue sky!
American Crow
A pair of American Crows by the river. Smooth feathers indicates Crow. Photo by Diane Stinson.

The birds didn’t seem to get this memo however, and you may see a large bird, solo, flapping its heart out. If you see the bird do a barrel roll or somersault then it is a Raven, they are the more acrobatic fliers. It looks like a lot of fun and they should do it more often, then we would know what they were and wouldn’t be forced to call it a ‘Craven’. 

Common Raven
“Domino” – This beautiful Raven with some white features was spotted at Lake Louise ski hill on November, 25, 2024. This is an abnormal pigmentation (leucism). 
Photo: Fiona Waters.

Birders needed for Calgary CBC, Sunday December 15th!

Register here to join backyard feeder watchers, or urban walking or driving routes.

The more eyes we have looking for birds during the Calgary Christmas Bird Count on December 15th, the better picture we will have of winter bird populations in Calgary.

Cassin's Finch
Cassin’s Finch, the first ever seen on the Calgry CBC, in 2023. Photo by Laura Bentley.

We could use a few more people to join existing teams who will be covering established routes driving or walking in a few parts of the city. (Refer to the section numbers on the map below.) This includes routes in the far NW (N9), Beaverdam Flats area (E1), Dover/Erin Woods/Forest Lawn/Marlborough neighbourhoods (E-5), the area south of Downtown along the Elbow River (W-3), a large section of the SW including North Glenmore Park (W-5), the large western edge of the Count Circle from Canada Olympic Park south to Griffiths Woods (W-6), and even Carburn Park (S-1) which is the section that usually finds the most species of birds. Please register if you’d like to help out in one of these areas – you can specify your preferred section number when you register.

Some sections have no one covering them at all yet. If you would like to do one of these by yourself, or lead a small team, again please register. Areas available include Bowness including Bowness Park (N1), The U of C grounds and parts of Varsity and Shouldice (N-4a), Parkdale and the rest of Shouldice (N-4b), and the Capitol Hill area (N-7 lower).

As always, in addition to the field teams, we will accept as many people as we can get counting birds at their feeders in their yards. You can watch for as little as 30 minutes on Count Day. Just select “Feeder Watcher” on the registration form under “How do you want to participate?” (Note that you must live within the Count Circle as shown on the map, in order that your Feeder Watcher results can count for the CBC.)

Once again, the count is Sunday December 15th. Register here!

The Winter Bird Lists

Keeping track of bird species in the winter months, from December 1 to February 28.

Posted by Bob Lefebvre, 2 December 2024.

Once again I will be assisting Caroline Lambert with tracking all bird species recorded in the Calgary Count Circle in the winter months. I have been doing this for Calgary for a few years, and Caroline tracks the Bow Valley list. There is also an Edmonton List, and a Provincial one that has been going for many years.

The Calgary list got off to a great start, with the highest December 1 species count yet – 65! Many birders challenge themselves to keep a winter list and I think quite a few people went out on Sunday to get a good start to their winter birding. All 65 species were ones we get every winter, although in some years it takes quite a while to find some of these! We are more than halfway to our usual species total in one day, but it gets much harder to add species from here.

Eurasian Collared-Dove
The second bird I saw when I looked out my front window on December 1st – Eurasian Collared-Dove. I only had my phone handy so the picture is very poor. Photo by Bob Lefebvre.

Click here for the complete Calgary list. You can tell at a glance which species are usually found but have not yet been seen this winter.

I will quote below from Caroline’s post about the winter lists on the Albertabird discussion site:

The winter birding season starts Sunday, Dec 1. As in previous years, various lists of winter birds seen in certain areas in Alberta will be maintained from Dec 1 to end of February. Alberta has some really good winter birds – there are just not many of them! And each year there are surprises. Links to all of the lists, with area maps, can be found at

Calgary: this will be compiled again by Bob Lefebvre. The count area is the 80km radius count circle centred on Calgary, the same one used for the May species count. It is preferred that sightings during this count period and in the count area be reported to the Albertabird site (keeping in mind that certain sensitive species should not be openly reported), but we will also include species reported to eBird and elsewhere, if we can find them.

Bow Valley: this area includes both the Bow River and Kananaskis River watersheds, as far east as the Stoney Nakoda casino and Seebe Dam. Most sightings for this area are taken from the Bow Valley Birding Facebook group, but we will record sightings reported on Albertabird, eBird, Christmas Bird Counts, rumours on the street, etc. The Bow Valley has the lowest species count of any area, so we’ll accept any reputable report!

Provincial list: Andy Ross is again taking care of the Alberta-wide list. The list has been cleaned up, simplified for easier reading, and sorted to the most recent taxonomic order (following the Clement’s/eBird taxonomy). Andy will collect sightings from the usual sources (eBird, Albertabird, the other winter lists, the Alberta Birds Facebook group, etc.).

The Edmonton list as shown on the site is not the official one; I simply copy their list from the Edmonton Nature Club’s discussion group. The links are there mostly to have one jumping off spot to find all the winter list info should anyone be interested.

Good birding,
Caroline Lambert

Birds & Beers Reminder and Update

Kenya Birds Presentation, Christmas Bird Count, Calendars for sale, Bird Book Exchange – Thursday November 28

Tomorrow night (Thursday the 28th) at the Legion, 9202 Horton Road SW, is our last Birds & Beers of the fall. I wrote about this before but here is an update on some of what you can expect tomorrow evening.

The main presentation, after 7 pm, will be on Birding in Kenya in the summer of 2024, presented by Gavin McKinnon. His presentation will feature many photos of Kenyan birds and mammals, plus information on future tours that he will be leading through his company Meadowlark Birding Tours.

Red Bishop
Red Bishop. Photo by Gavin McKinnon.

Before the main presentation, Matthew Wallace will speak about the upcoming Calgary Christmas Bird Count (on Sunday December 15). Find out how you can take part in this long-running Citizen Science project! Read more about the CBC here.

Once again this year, Daniel Arndt has produced a beautiful 2025 wall calendar featuring some of his best bird photos of 2024. He will have calendars available at Birds & Beers for $20 (cash or eTransfer). For those of you who are interested in purchasing a calendar but can’t make it to Birds & Beers, they are available at the Wild Bird Store in Calgary, or you can email us here at and we will put you in touch with Dan. (There is a $5 shipping charge for mail orders.)


Finally, we have talked about having a birding book exchange at Birds & Beers, and thanks to a generous donation by a long-time Calgary birder, we will have several books available to kick it off tomorrow! Feel free to bring a few books if you’d like to exchange them. We don’t want to take any books home after, so please help yourself until they are all gone!

If you haven’t been to Birds & Beers before, Thursday would be a great time to start!

“Every Little Thing”

An inspiring film about Hummingbird rescue showing this weekend in Calgary – free tickets available!

The Calgary Underground Film Festival’s (CUFF) Documentary festival is on now, from November 20-24. This Sunday, November 24, they will feature the film “Every Little Thing” which is about a woman in Los Angeles who nurtures injured Hummingbirds.


Film Description

Amid the glamour of Hollywood, Los Angeles, a woman finds herself on a transformative journey as she nurtures wounded hummingbirds.

A film of joy and wonder, EVERY LITTLE THING offers profound truths in a deceptively simple story. In tending to these fragile yet resilient hummingbirds, Terry Masear finds a sense of healing from her own past. Follow Cactus, Jimmy, Wasabi, Alexa, and Mikhail, celebrating their small victories and lamenting their tiny tragedies. The compassion and empathy that Masear shows her Lilliputian charges serves as a lesson to us all — a reminder that in the smallest of acts, and in the tiniest of creatures, we might find grace.

The movie will play at the Globe Cinema at 4 pm on Sunday, November 24. You can buy tickets and read all the details here.

I have a few tickets to give away so if you are interested, email me at


Birds & Beers, November 28, 2024

Gavin McKinnon will have a presentation on his recent birding trip to Kenya.

Everyone is welcome to join us for the last Birds & Beers meeting of 2024 next Thursday, November 28, from 5 to 9 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, 9202 Horton Road SW.

Birds & Beers
Birds & Beers (AI version).

At about 7 pm, Gavin McKinnon will present a talk with many photos from his trip to Kenya in the summer of 2024. The presentation will focus on birding in Kenya, and an overview of the route he took this past summer that resulted in seeing 450 species of birds and nearly 50 mammal species in 14 days. He will also have information on future opportunities to visit Kenya.

See Gavin’s web page for Meadowlark Birding Tours here.

Variable Sunbird
Variable Sunbird. Photo by Dominic Sherony from Wikimedia Commons (Licencse here).

See you there!

Join the 2024 Calgary Christmas Bird Count!

Please register to take part in the field or at home

The Calgary CBC will be on Sunday December 15. We need birders to take part out in the field counting birds, as well as Feeder Watchers counting in their yards. All participants, whether new or returning birders, must register so we have up-to-date contact information, and, for Feeder Watchers, correct addresses.

Redpoll (at the time, Common Redpoll) taken by Lou Zaganelli on the 2023 Count.

Here is everything you need to know about the Christmas Bird Count, from organizer Matt Wallace:

I am inviting you to take part in the upcoming 2024 Calgary Christmas Bird Count (CBC) happening on December 15!

As you likely know, the CBC is the longest-running citizen science project which began in the year 1900 as a way to encourage people to appreciate birds while helping to conserve them through data collection. The Calgary event began in 1952 and is one of the largest CBC events in Western Canada with nearly 400 people participating annually. 

Consider this event to be the annual census of our winter birds in Calgary! It requires lots of people and effort to conduct this event, so we are always looking for birders of all experiences and abilities to take part. We really aim to use this event as a way to build up our community of nature enthusiasts and would love for you to share the event information with your friends, family, colleagues, and community.

Skip the details below if you’re ready to sign up and hit the registration form here:

There are a few ways to participate:

Field Teams:

  1. We have 38 circle sections and assign people to survey designated sections. All birds are identified and counted, and it usually runs the entire day depending on our participant’s availability. Bird submissions are made via eBird and shared with our CBC Compiler account. We also accept field templates from people who prefer to use them.We have section leaders who work with their groups to determine meeting locations, targeted areas, summarize effort data, and submit it back to our compilation team. We are looking for both field participants and field leaders (both returning and new). 

Feeder Watchers (FWs):

  1. People (individuals and families) observe birds visiting their yards and feeders for a minimum of 30 minutes on count day. FWs submit their data using a pre-formatted template which we provide. FWs are very important for our count as they help to fill in the data gaps where our field teams can’t access due to time or privacy. FWs must reside within the count circle, but we will confirm your address to ensure you are eligible to participate.

Data Entry/ Analysis: 

  1. Anyone interested in helping us to compile data is welcome! I often receive hundreds of emails with data templates, photos, and stories of the CBC. I manage but would love to have an assistant to help with this!
  2. We continue to expand on our ways of showcasing the hard work of our volunteers. We have approximately 20 years of data (30 binders or so) which includes the detailed “section data” for the Calgary count. Yes, we submit all of the cumulative count “Circle” data to Audubon each year, but the section data is of interest to us on a local scale for showing how changes in our landscape and may influence bird populations.We would like to get all of this data entered prior to the 2024 count so that we can provide some additional infographics and analysis at the results presentation in January 2025. 
  3. In addition to the data entry, we would love anyone with skills in GIS and data visualization to join our compilation team in producing the final report (for media and the community).

So, all that’s left to do is register so I have your contact information, and we will be in touch soon! We look forward to you joining our CBC and thank you! Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions

Register Here:

Naturally, Matt

Moulting Is Not Revolting

By Cathy Warwick

No! Of course moulting is not revolting, it is a natural part in the seasonal cycle of being a duck. No need to be embarrassed and hide away. Wait a second, maybe there is a need, since they can’t fly anymore to get away from predators!

Did you know many ducks moult once a year, in late summer or early fall? This means they shed most of their primary feathers all at once to grow new ones. The process can take about 20-30 days and during that period they lay low since they become flightless. If you have ever seen a pile of feathers and thought a coyote had lunch, it may not be so. The duck feathers can come off quickly and dramatically.

Not only do they become flightless, they become difficult to identify. Their beautiful and colourful plumage becomes a beige-gray bore before moulting begins. Typically this is in the summer months. This outfit is called their ‘eclipse plumage’ and it isn’t a favourite of birders. The term eclipse refers to the boring plumage darkening their usual colours. If you do an internet search for any type of waterfowl the pictures will show them in their breeding plumage, striking and unmistakable. Meanwhile you are peering through the binoculars at a beige lump wondering why birding is so difficult. We’ve all been there. At that point you can start looking for eye rings and tail shapes, which gets challenging. Or you also have the option of saying ‘oh a duck’ and watching them paddle around a bit.

A photo by Diane Stinson showing a Mallard that is moulting. Mallards are easy to identify at this stage of moulting.

I was surprised to learn that the Blue Jay moults all its head feathers at once. I have never seen that out in the wild and I suspect it’s because they hide away during this phase. It is such a radical difference from their usual spiky crown, They look like a tiny vulture with bugged out eyes. It only lasts for a week but you get the feeling if any bird were vain, it would be the Blue Jay. It’s amazing how much shape and bulk the feathers give birds, look at the difference between the two pictures of the Blue Jay, it’s hard to believe it’s even the same bird. 

Blue Jay
Blue Jay: Before on left (moulting) and After (beautiful crown feathers are grown in) Photos: Diane Stinson.

The larger birds and waterfowl are more inconvenienced by their moult season than smaller birds. Their feathers take longer to grow in. They often moult right before migration to have a nice strong set of new feathers to take them south. I imagine they are in the air now with their new outfits, ready to party in Mexico.