Tag Archive | leucistic hawk

Leucistic Rough-legged Hawk

Posted by Matthew Sim

We’ve done posts here on this blog about leucism before, which is when a bird has reduced pigmentation, meaning it has more white in it’s feathers than normal for the species. We’ve had some examples before, including a leucistic House Finch, American Robin, Ruby-throated Hummingbird and others. For the past few months, Calgary has had a very neat leucistic bird in the area. This Rough-legged Hawk frequents the area around Highway 40, just west of Calgary.

Leucistic Rough-legged Hawk


Now compare this with a more normal Rough-legged Hawk.

Rough-legged Hawk

On January 1rst, I found this leucistic hawk on Highway 40 near its intersection with Range Road 40.

Wednesday Wings: Leucistic Rough-legged Hawk

There have been quite a few reports of a white hawk on the western side of the city lately. Driving Highway 8 from Bragg Creek into the city last week, photographer Gerry Ambury was lucky enough to spot this leucistic Rough-legged Hawk.