Tag Archive | May Species Count

Birding Brooks-Lake Newell and Milk River-Writng-on-Stone 2025

Register now for these two southern Alberta May Species Counts.

Spring is almost here, so it’s time to prepare now for the Alberta May Species Counts, which take place in May, when many migrating birds are back or passing through. Two long-running counts are the Brooks-Lake Newell Count in the SE part of the province, and the Milk River-Writing-on-Stone Count in the far south of Alberta.

Common Nighthawk
Common Nighthawk in the Brooks area. Photo by Dan Arndt.

Many birders from Calgary, Edmonton, and other parts of the province travel to these counts, so it’s important to make accomodation arrangements ahead of time. Here is the information about the counts from the organizers:

We are pleased to announce that our two SE Alberta May Species counts will take place on the following dates:

Brooks – Lake Newell Bird Count: Sat. May 17 and Sun. May 18

Milk River – Writing-on-Stone Bird Count: Sat. May 24 and Sun. May 25

Looking for accommodation for the Brooks-Lake Newell and Milk River-Writing-on-Stone Bird Counts? The Brooks Heritage Inn and Suites, where we will hold our Brooks count meetings, is offering a discount rate of $125 per night for count recipients. To book, call 403-362-8688 and mention you are a bird count participant.

See brochure (below) for hotels in the Milk River area.

All of the campsites reserved for bird count participants have been allotted. Tillebrook Provincial Park general reservations for the nights of Friday May 16 through the May long weekend and Writing-on-Stone campsite reservations for May Friday May 23 through the count weekend are open. To book: shop.albertaparks.ca, 1-877-537-2757.

Note: a non-refundable fee of $15 per person will be charged to all Brooks participants to help cover the rental of the meeting room.

A reminder to plan to attend the pre-count meetings on the Fridays before each count. The 2025 Brooks WOS Bird Counts Brochure contains more information on the schedule for each weekend. Read/download the brochure here or see below.

Registration for the Brooks-Lake Newell and Milk River-Writing-on-Stone Bird Counts will open on March 1. A link to the registration form will be emailed starting March 1. If you wish to register for either or both of the counts please contact Donna first so we can get you on the email list to receive the link! Registration is open until May 1st.

We look forward to seeing you — and thousands of migrating birds — at the end of May!

Donna Wieckowski *astolat@shaw.ca*  403-870-6222

Debra Hornsby *debra.hornsby.banff@shaw.ca*  403-431-2447

(Note: remove * before emailing)

Please contact the orgainzers if you are new to the counts and would like more information!

Brochure – use the scrollbar on the right to see more.

Brooks/Writing-On-Stone May Species Counts

Register now for Brooks (May 17-19) and Writing-On-Stone (May 24-26) Bird Counts 2024

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Registration is now open for these two southern Alberta counts. Calgary birders will need to arrange camping or hotel accommodations ahead of time, so register soon. Note that our local Calgary May Species Count is on the same dates as Writing-On-Stone one, but some of you may want to try helping out with that one down in the very south part of the province for a change of pace (I will have information on the Calgary count closer to that weekend).

Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk, photographed in southern Alberta in 2018. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

From Debra Hornsby, who organizes the count along with Donna Wieckowski:

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Brooks count –- come celebrate this milestone with us! To register, click here: Brooks and Writing-on-Stone 2024 registration form. Registration will close on April 30, 2024.

We will hold pre-count meetings on the Fridays before each weekend. At these meetings we will assign count areas, distribute maps and checklists, go over count protocols, introduce your fellow birders, and answer questions. Please plan to be there. We will also host informal gatherings on the Saturday evenings – a great opportunity to get together to swap birding stories and win some fun prizes! A full schedule for both weekends can be found in the brochure below.

Because weather is sometimes inclement on the Brooks weekend, we have reserved a meeting space at the Heritage inn (note new location). We are asking each participant in the Brooks count to contribute $12.00 to cover meeting room costs. If you plan to join the Brooks count, please e-transfer $12.00 per person to Donna Wieckowski astolat@shaw.ca no later than May 15. Cheques and cash also accepted. Thanks!

If you have any registration questions, or if you have trouble with the form, please email me. Happy to help! Thanks for your support and happy birding!


(Toggle between the Brooks and WOS brochures using the arrows at lower left.)

Bird Count Next Weekend

A Few Good Routes need a Few Good Birders!

Posted By Bob Lefebvre

The Calgary May Species Count is next Weekend, Saturday May 27 and Sunday May 28. There are a few routes still uncovered this year. You have a choice of several small city areas or some larger rural routes. You can do the count either day. Simply cover the area as well as you can, while recording all species of birds you can identify, and the numbers of each. While eBird is the preferred way to do this, you will still be able to participate and submit your observations for the count if you don’t use eBird.

The count organizer, Andrew Hart, will be able to give you more details on each route and on the procedure for the count. If you are interested, contact Andrew by email at andrewhartch@icloud.com, or by phone at (403) 608-8918.

Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk with Garter Snake, Longview Area, 2017 May Species Count. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

City Routes Available:

Confluence Park. This is the area along the two branches of Nose Creek just north of Beddington Trail and west of Deerfoot Trail. There are paved paths throughout and it is a great area for birds.

Nose Hill North. This part of Nose Hill has never been covered so if you know the area, you can really contribute.

Twelve-Mile Coulee. A really nice area on the eastern side of Tuscany in the far NW.

Paskapoo Slopes. A significant wild area of the city near Canada Olympic Park. It has many hills and ridges and can be tough walking.

Nose Creek Valley. Another area along Nose Creek.

St. Patrick’s Island and Princes Island. Two adjacent parks in the downtown on the Bow River. I know many people have been attending all the birding walks on St. Patrick’s Island, so one of you should be able to cover this!

I spend one of the two count days doing a large rural route, and the other day going to a few small city areas. If someone wants some nice city routes or is familar with the areas, I would give them up so I could help on a larger rural route. The city routes are:

Bridlewood Pond. A really nice set of two small ponds where you can get up close and personal with the birds. Located on the SE edge of Bridlewood, just north of 22X near Spruce Meadows.

Strathcona Ravines. Two adjacent ravines in Strathcona in the west end. Really nice area to walk.

Rural Routes – refer to the numbered map areas below:

Calgary May Species Count map.

Area 15 – Water Valley South. Quite a different habitat than you find in the city.

Area 18 – Kananaskis – Mount Lorette. This is the spot where the Golden Eagle count is conducted.

19b – SW of Cochrane. Not too far out of the city.

30 – Didsbury East Bluebird Trail. The far northeast edge of the circle.

32 – Strathmore North. The eastern edge of the circle.

37 – Acme/Carbon. A large rural area, also in the northeast near the Didsbury area.

We want to cover the count circle as completely as possible. Please contact Andrew if you have any interest in this count, or if you may be interested in future years.

Join the Calgary May Species Count

More birders needed to help to monitor bird populations in the area, May 27-28.

From organizer Andrew Hart.

The Calgary Area May Species Count is held on the last weekend of May. Teams of observers will count birds in about 80 count areas in the 80 km circle centered on Calgary. There are still some areas that need to be covered. Some of these may be parks within the city, or larger rural areas.

Eastern Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird, Longview area, May Species Count 2022. Photo by Bob Lefebvre.

We are always in need of new participants.  If you would like to participate this year please reply to the email address or phone number below confirming your availability and also whether you would prefer to team up with an established group or try an area on your own.   Could you also confirm if anyone else will be in your team, or if you would like me to try and find you some additional participants to join you.

To register or if you have any questions please contact me by email (andrewhartch@icloud.com) or at (403) 608-8918.

Time to Plan Your Participation in May Species Counts in Southern Alberta

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

Planning for the May Species Counts is already under way. There are two southern Alberta counts besides the Calgary one that many Calgarians take part in – Brooks/Lake Newell, and Milk River/Writing-on-Stone. The Brooks count is in its 24th year and MR/WOS is in its 22nd. The organizers would like to get more people participating in both counts. Since birders from the city have to arrange accomodation for these, you have to start your planning now. (Note that the Calgary count is May 27-28, the same weekend as Writing-on-Stone, so you will have a choice to make.)

Below is the information about the counts and booking camping. There is more information in the attached brochures. If you have questions, please contact the count organizers.

Lark Sparrow
Lark Sparrow. Photo by Bob Lefebvre, May 31, 2020.


Hello Alberta Bird Counters! We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Brooks and Writing-on-Stone Bird Counts will take place on the following dates:

·       Brooks-Lake Newell Bird Count: Sat. May 20 and Sun. May 21

·       Milk River – Writing-on-Stone Bird Count: Sat. May 27 and Sun. May 28

If you plan on camping we highly recommend booking early!

Tillebrook Provincial Park: general reservations for May 19-21 will open at 9 am on Saturday February 18. www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or 1-877-537-2757

Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park: general reservations for May 26-28 will open at 9 am on Saturday February 25www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or


Note: a small non-refundable fee of $12 per person will be charged to all Brooks participants to help cover the rental of the Brooks Legion meeting room.

Please indicate interest in participating to Debra Hornsby in advance of registration. Registration forms will be emailed by March 27. The 2023 count brochure provides further information and a draft count schedule.

We look forward to seeing all of you — and thousands of migrating birds — at the end of May!

To indicate interest contact: debra.hornsby.banff*@*gmail.com

More information: Donna Wieckowski astolat*@*shaw.ca

 (NOTE: Remove *’s before emailing)


Birds & Beers, Friday January 13, 2023

Next Friday will be the first Birds & Beers meeting of the new year. We meet at 6 pm at the Horton Road Legion. Everyone is welcome to come.

Royal Canadian Legion, Centennial Calgary Branch#285,

9202 Horton Road SW.

Friday January 13, 2023, 6:00-9:00 pm

Red-necked Grebe
Nesting Red-necked Grebes at the Bridlewood Wetland, Calgary, May Species Count 2021. Photo by Bob Lefebvre.

Aftere an hour or so of socializing, eating, and drinking, there will be a presentation by Andrew Hart and Lara Fitzpatrick on the Calgary May Species Count. They will present the history of the count and how it has evolved since its inception in 1976. They will discuss the areas that are covered, how the count is organized, and how and why they have migrated to eBird for data collection. Then the actual 2022 results will be shown, as well as a look ahead to how things may evolve for 2023.

Southeast Alberta May Species Counts 2022

The May Species Counts, held each year over a weekend in the second half of May, are a highlight on the birding calendar. There are several counts in Alberta (including one in Calgary on the last weekend in May). For each count, birders go out to sections of the 80-km diameter count circle and record all the species (and the numbers of each) that they can find. It’s an attempt to have a long-term record of birding populations during spring migration.

Lark Sparrow
Lark Sparrow, Southern Alberta, May 2020. Photo by Bob Lefebvre

Many Calgary birders participate each year in two SE Alberta counts, at Brooks-Lake Newell and at Writing-On-Stone. These give local birders an opportunity to experience some different and beautiful prairie habitats and find some bird species that are not common near the city.

The organizers of these two counts, Debra Hornsby and Donna Wieckowski, are hoping to get some new people to take part this year. In particular they would like to have more birders out for the Writing-On-Stone count, but can accommodate more for Brooks/Lake Newell as well.

Below are the details.


Hello Alberta Bird Counters! We are pleased to announce that the Brooks-Lake Newell and Writing-on-Stone Bird Counts will take place this year on the following dates:

· Brooks-Lake Newell Bird Count: Sat. May 21 and Sun. May 22

· Writing-on-Stone Bird Count: Sat. May 28 and Sun. May 29

If you plan on camping we highly recommend booking early!

Tillebrook: general reservations for May 20-22 opened at 9 am on Saturday February 19.

www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or 1-877-537-2757

Writing-on-Stone: general reservations for May 27-29 will open at 9 am on Saturday February 26www.reserve.albertaparks.ca or 1-877-537-2757

All participants must pre-register. Please indicate interest in participating to Debra Hornsby and registration details will be sent out by March 31, 2022.

Because many count areas are accessed via rough country roads, high-clearance or 4×4 vehicles are recommended.

We are hopeful that we will be able to resume in-person Friday night meetings to review count protocols and hand out area assignments – be sure to be there! (We’ll have a Plan B ready in case Covid doesn’t cooperate!) Note: a small fee of $12 per person will be charged to all Brooks participants to cover the rental of the Brooks Legion meeting room. The attached brochure provides further information, and a draft count schedule. Registration forms will be emailed by March 31.

To indicate interest contact: debra.hornsby.banff*@*gmail.com

More information: Donna Wieckowski astolat*@*shaw.ca

Get Involved in the Calgary May Species Count

The Calgary count on May 29 and 30 still has some areas that need surveyors.

The May Species Count is an annual event in which birders count the number of birds of each species within the 80-km diameter circle centred in Calgary. The circle is divided up into many smaller territories, and there are a few that so far are not covered this year.

  • Area 2: FCPP Bridge 6 to Macleod Trail (Votiers Flats)
  • Area 3: FCPP Macleod Trail to Bridge 13 (Glennfield)
  • Area 4: FCPP Burnsmead South to Lafarge Meadows
  • Area 31: Irricana
  • Area 37: Acme/Carbon
  • 43b: Confluence Park – pending
  • 43g: Pine Creek Water Treatment Plant
  • 43j: Nose Hill Park – pending
The Calgary count circle with the rural territories marked. The city is also divided up into many territories.

If you are an experienced birder and want to participate by covering one of the areas above, contact John McFaul at alpglow[at]telus.net. He will provide details of the procedures and a description of the territory to be covered.

Citizen Science in 2021 – Get Involved!

Posted by Bob Lefebvre

One of the great things about being a birder or nature enthusiast is the opportunity to get involved in citizen science projects. There are dozens of ongoing projects every year where you can contribute data to scientific studies, learn about local habitats and wildlife populations, and contribute to the public’s understanding of nature and of the importance of conservation.

Photographing a Black-capped Chickadee on a Christmas Bird Count in Calgary.

In addition to permanent year-round projects like eBird which records birds all over the world and iNaturalist which records any living thing, there are a number of annual events that you can participate in.

  • Winter Bug Count
  • Great Backyard Bird Count
  • City Nature Challenge
  • Global eBird Big Day
  • May Species Count
  • Christmas Bird Count
  • and many more

If you are interested in taking part in any of these local citizen science projects, or in getting more information about them, please fill out the form at this link:

Citizen Science Events 2021

Matthew Wallace, who created this form and organizes several local citizen science projects, will send you information or put you in touch with the organizers of whichever projects you are interested in. Whether you have participated before or are new to these projects, please fill out the form and get involved in 2021!

Birds & Beers, May 2017

Birds & Beers is an informal social get-together for any interested birders. The Calgary Chapter, organized by Dan Arndt and a few other local birders, usually meets once a month. The next meeting will be this Friday, May 26th.

Yellow Warbler. Photo by Dan Arndt.

There is no cost or registration for Birds & Beers; just show up and have a drink or a meal if you want, and chat about birds. Of course, there are lots of new birds to talk about at this time of year. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. So drop by any time after 6 pm and join us.

Birds & Beers

Royal Canadian Legion

9202 Horton Road SW, Calgary

Friday May 26, 2017

6-9 PM.

The Calgary May Species Count takes place over the weekend of May 27-28, so come and find out where people are going and what they hope to see.