More great bird trips and photos from Marg Matheson and Alan Plumb.
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Postcards from Texas: The highs and lows of birding
Posted by Matthew Sim
Sometimes, birding can exceed your wildest hopes. For me, this happened last year when I stumbled upon a Northern Hawk Owl on a midday walk in Fish Creek. Sometimes though, birding can let you down. For me, this happened just last week on a birding trip with the Houston Audubon down to the Texas coast.
Spring migration in Texas is world-famous among birders. Millions of neotropical birds crossing the Gulf of Mexico heading north to their breeding grounds land at various spots along the Texas coast, exhausted from their non-stop trip across the gulf. When the weather is right, a fall-out can occur, in which many different species of migrants all drop into the trees of the first bit of land they see after the trans-gulf flight. This trip with the Houston Audubon down to the coast was supposed to witness one of these fall-outs. Except the birds never came.
When we arrived at the tiny but well-known Quintana Neotropical Bird Sanctuary, the treetops (which should have been swarming with warblers, orioles, buntings, flycatchers and tanagers) were silent. Completely silent. We soon discovered that the strong south wind was blowing the migrants right on by. You see, with a powerful wind at their backs, these birds can conserve energy and travel faster; so why stop? Realizing that we weren’t going to see much we started to leave, seeing both Brown-headed Cowbirds and Bronzed Cowbirds (neither is a migrant) on the way out.

Brown-headed Cowbird
Just as we were exiting, things started to pick up a little and we saw an Eastern Kingbird, 2 female Orchard Orioles and a very brief glimpse of a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, meaning that things weren’t too bad.
From there, we headed down to the beach and jetty, where we were happy to see all 8 species of terns commonly seen on the upper Texas coast. As our group toured the surrounding beach, we observed many different species of shorebirds including pretty Black-necked Stilt, many Sanderlings, striking Ruddy Turnstones in breeding plumage and intriguing Dunlin. We also were given an opportunity to view Wilson’s and Semipalmated Plover and tried our hand at the tricky identification of Western And White-rumped Sandpipers. All of these were just out of camera range but were beautiful up-close in our spotting scopes.
After gobbling down a quick lunch, our Houston Audubon group decided to explore the nearby Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge to see what else we could see. Brazoria, a refuge of grasslands and salt marshes quickly yielded up a lifer for me, a Least Bittern, which flushed from some reeds. We also saw Snowy Egret, White Ibis, Black-necked Stilt and good views of Sora (though the same cannot be said for the photos!)

Snowy Egret
As our group drove the auto-tour loop, we saw some more great birds such as Dickcissel. One car had 3 handsome male Bobolinks singing. We even managed to spot a female Magnificent Frigatebird, which is always a highlight.
We finished our trip with about 80 species and though the songbird migration was definitely a low, the shorebirds and the activity at Brazoria were definitely highs and the trip was well worth it.
Q & A: Attracting Birds to Feeders
By Bob Lefebvre
Here at the Birds Calgary blog, we receive a lot of questions from bird-friendly folks throughout the province. We are going to start sharing some of them with our readers as just another way to spread bird knowledge.
If you have a question, email us at We may post your question and our answer. We won’t print your name or email address without permission.
Q: Hi there, I have a question regarding attracting birds to my feeder. I live in Calgary, and I have tried everything this fall and winter to attract birds to my yard with no success. I’ve looked at all kinds of websites and followed their advice; I have the best seeds, suet, nuts, feeders…however my yard is in a horrible location. I live in a small townhouse, and I access my yard and front door via an alley that is ‘walled in’ by the neighbour’s house and two other townhouses. I hear the birds all around me when I go outside, but my yard doesn’t have a tree, and is somewhat hidden as my yard is recessed due to the neighbouring townhouses. I know the birds are around, I just can’t seem to get them to see my feeders because my yard is hidden.
I’ve sprinkled seed around the area and in my alley, I’ve even leaned my old Christmas tree against a wall near the feeder in the hopes of attracting even one small chickadee! I’m reluctant to invest any more in this effort (like a heated bird bath) because I’m not fully convinced I’ll ever be able to attract birds. I’m just wondering if anyone at your great website has any advice for me, I love birding and want to attract birds and help them throughout the winter, but I’m just not having any luck! Other than waiting until to spring to plant some flowers and shrubs that might attract them, do you have any advice?
Thanks so much, love the website.
A: It’s likely that your location and the lack of trees in your yard is a problem, but I think that with patience you will be able to attract the birds.
It’s true that having trees or shrubs is definitely a big plus. The birds need to feel that they have a safe haven to retreat to if attacked. Also, if there are no large trees around there will be fewer nesting sites for species like Black-capped Chickadees, Downy Woodpeckers, and Northern Flickers. Some of the newer neighbourhoods in Calgary with few large trees have a smaller number of bird species than old, established neighbourhoods. But as you said, there are birds near your house, so you should be able to get them into your yard. It seems most likely that the birds just have not yet discovered your feeders.
You are probably hearing House Sparrows in the area, so you have to try to get them in your yard first. Normally, they will feed at almost any type of feeder. The location of the feeders can be important too. Are they too high or too low? They shouldn’t be placed anywhere that a cat could ambush the birds as they feed. It seems to me that House Sparrows don’t like to come to feeders that are right against a building or in a window, if they have any other choice. (Some other birds will not come to a raised feeder but prefer to feed on the ground.) Once the House Sparrows begin feeding in your yard, other species like House Finches, Black-billed Magpies, and Black-capped Chickadees will notice the feeding activity and come to the food.
Other than providing a variety of feeders in proper locations, the two most important things you can do to get the birds to start coming to your yard regularly is to put out water, and to feed them year-round.
I know you said you didn’t want to get a heated birdbath, but you should consider making water available in your yard. It really makes a difference in attracting birds. (Running water is the best attractor, but you can’t have that in the winter.) If you get a metal or plastic birdbath, the water will freeze in cold weather but on many winter days it will melt at least a little, and you can always add hot water to the ice to yield a little drinkable water on all but the coldest days. (Ceramic and concrete birdbaths can break when water freezes.)
You mentioned that you have been trying to attract the birds this fall and winter. It’s much easier to get birds in your yard in the summer, when there are many more around, and thus get the local birds in the habit of feeding there. So I would encourage you to keep at it through the summer. I know people who feed birds only in the winter, and they get very few species in their yards. Many people believe that birds do not need to be fed in the summer because there is more natural food around. In truth, we don’t have to feed the birds at all, but it is during summer when there is more demand for food. The numbers of birds here in the summer is many times higher than in the winter, and when they are raising young they need a lot of food.
I know you’d like to get the birds to come to your yard right away and there might be something you can do to get their attention. I have put up feeders that the birds just didn’t seem to notice, even though they were feeding at other feeders nearby. I tried attaching a piece of aluminum foil to the new feeder (about 4 inches wide and two feet long, hanging down below it) and the House Finches found the feeder the next day. I’m not sure why that works, (perhaps the birds are just curious) but you might try that.
Finally I just want to encourage you to be very patient! It can take a while to get the birds to start coming, but once they do, they will keep coming. Continue through to the fall, add water and plant a shrub, and see if the birds find your feeders. When I moved into my current house I put out a feeder and kept it out all year, and I never saw anything but House Sparrows and magpies until almost a year later, when the first House Finch arrived. Now I’ve been here eight years, and in 2011 alone I had 57 species on my yard list, and dozens of individual birds every day. This year I’ve had 26 species already. If you keep at it through the spring and summer you will be on your way.
Reply: Thank you so much for your advice and encouragement! I will try your suggestions, and keep trying to attract birds to my feeder. That’s interesting to know that birds need feed more in the summer than the winter, I never thought of it that way. I only started to get into birding this summer and I’m loving it so far, it’s amazing how many different species there are. I especially enjoy it when I think it’s just a bunch of Canadian Geese, and then find out that there’s a merganser, golden eye or bufflehead mixed in with them. At Fish Creek the other week I was fortunate enough to see 2 bald eagles! As an Ontarian, I haven’t seen many in my life so that was definitely a good day. I’m hoping to get out this weekend to try and spot some snowy owls, following tips from your website should definitely help.
Thanks again for your advice.
Q & A: Northern Shrike
By Bob Lefebvre
Here at the Birds Calgary blog, we receive a lot of questions from bird-friendly folks throughout the province. We are going to start sharing some of them with our readers as just another way to spread bird knowledge.
If you have a question, email us at We may post your question and our answer. We won’t print your name or email address without permission.
Q: I was walking along the Bow south of 22x today [April 6] and saw these, which I haven’t seen before. I couldn’t get close for a good picture but I’m hoping you can you tell me what they are.
Sunday Showcase: Common Calgary Gulls
Posted by Matthew Sim
Though we see them a lot during the summer, most of us have some difficulty in identifying these guys; so here’s a breakdown of the common Calgary gulls.

California Gull; identified by rounded head, red and black spot on bill and greenish-yellow legs. Also note completely dark eye.

Franklin's Gull, the easiest gull in Calgary as it is, for the most part, the only one with a black head. Also note the white eye-crescents and the bright red beak.

Ring-billed Gull with its namesake ringed bill is probably the most common gull in Calgary and is often seen in parking lots.I separated from the Herring Gull by its yellow legs. Similar to California Gull, which has a darker eye.

The Herring Gull is nearly identical to the Ring-billed Gull, the one big difference though is the legs. Herring Gulls have pink legs while Ring-billed Gulls have yellow legs.
Though identifying gulls can be very difficult, hopefully this helps you next time you see a gull in Calgary.
A Cold Morning In Hull’s Wood
Posted by Bob Lefebvre.
Week Two of the Spring session of the birding course with the Friends of Fish Creek saw us exploring Hull’s Wood and the boat launch area, at the east end of Fish Creek Park. It was quite cold at 7:30 a.m., about minus 4 degrees Celsius, with a north wind and light snow, and the conditions didn’t change much over the three hours. Nevertheless, we did manage to see some spring migrants. Once again, the photos were provided by Paul Turbitt and Glenn Alexon.
Franklin’s Gull. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
We saw about 75 of the black-headed Franklin’s Gulls over the river. As you can see in the photo, these gulls often have a pinkish tinge to their breast feathers in the spring. Several gull species show this feature when they arrive on their breeding grounds, and it is thought to be a result of carotenoids in their diet. In the case of Franklin’s Gulls, it is caused by their consumption of shrimp on their wintering grounds off the coast of Venezuela. By fall it often fades away.
Canada Geese are nesting in broken treetops in the area, where they are safe from coyotes and dogs. Here a male stands guard near the nest.
Canada Goose. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
We walked north along the river, and scoured the rocky banks for American Pipits. Up to 80 had been seen in the area earlier in the week. We weren’t able to locate any, but I’ll get back to the pipits later.
We saw two bald eagles along the river: one adult, and one juvenile which put up all the waterfowl as it flew over. There were also at least two Red-tailed Hawks.
Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
A White-breasted Nuthatch was busy excavating a nest hole. Here he is removing some wood from the nest.
As we neared the mouth of Fish Creek we watched a flock of over 200 European Starlings repeatedly flying down to the water and back up to the trees. Then we noticed another huge flock of small birds, which turned out to be Tree Swallows, working their way north along the river. I estimated about 100 in the first flock, which was followed immediately by another of the same size, then another, and another. It was really just one huge flock numbering up to 800 birds.
We then turned away from the river, and out of the wind, to check out the two Great Horned Owl nests in the area. The young owlets have been seen in one of the nests, but when we were there we weren’t lucky enough to see them.
Adult male Great Horned Owl standing guard near the nest. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Near the second owl nest we found a pair of Wood Ducks sitting in a tree. These birds nest in tree holes so maybe they will nest in this area.
Male Wood Duck. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Female Wood Duck. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Photo by Glenn Alexon.
We finished up by checking the pond near highway 22X. There wasn’t much there, but we were treated to Red-winged Blackbirds, a first of the year for some of the participants.
Red-winged Blackbird. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Finally, as we arrived back at the boat launch parking lot, we were treated to a Great Blue Heron flyover.
Great Blue Heron. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
That was a great way to finish the day for me and most of the others, but three people went back along the Bow to see if they could scare up some American Pipits. By walking right near the shore, they did manage to find them. These birds can hide quite effectively in the rocks and grass.
American Pipits. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Photo by Glenn Alexon.
When they were watching the pipits, a Mountain Bluebird appeared, then flew across the river.
Mountain Bluebird, from across the Bow River. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
One of the photos that Paul took of the pipits showed a bird that I was sure was not an American Pipit, but couldn’t identify. Gus Yaki has identified it as a Sprague’s Pipit. This is a bird of the prairies which is rarely seen in the city.
Sprague’s Pipit. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
I will be heading back to this area regularly in the next few weeks to watch the development of the Great Horned Owlets.
Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Paul Turbitt’s Nikonians page.
Spring Birding in South Glenmore Park and the Weaselhead
Posted by Bob Lefebvre
April marks the beginning of the spring session of the Friends of Fish Creek birding courses. For this three-month session, Dan Arndt and I decided to lead a group at 7:30 a.m. on Sundays. This might seem a little early to be going out in April, but by May and June the sun will be high before we get under way, and we hope to see and hear more birds than we would later in the day.
Dan is away for the first two weeks, so I will be reporting on what we saw, with photos provided by two of the course participants, Glenn Alexon and Paul Turbitt.
The first outing, on Easter Sunday, was in North Glenmore Park and the Weaselhead. We spent about an hour checking the west end of Glenmore Reservoir first. It is still almost completely frozen, with only a few small areas open in the west end, but there were some waterfowl there, notably some impressive Trumpeter Swans.
Trumpeter Swans landing on the water. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Common Mergansers: female (left) and male (right). Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Canada Goose taking off. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Then we headed down in to the Weaselhead. A highlight there was a Townsend’s Solitaire singing from the top of a very tall spruce.
Townsend’s Solitaire. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Male Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Female Downy Woodpecker. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Black-capped Chickadee. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
These chickadees expect to be fed. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Northern Flicker. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Northern Flicker. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
There were quite a few Red Squirrels around, and a couple of Least Chipmunks were also seen.
Red Squirrel. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
We saw three Red-tailed Hawks overhead, including this dark Harlan’s Hawk.
Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
We had hoped to see Pine Grosbeaks and American Tree Sparrows at the feeders. There were none around when we first went through, but on our last stop on the way back we found a pair of each.
Pine Grosbeak. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Pine Grosbeak. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
Pine Grosbeak. Photo by Paul Turbitt.
American Tree Sparrow feeding on the ground. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
Back up by the parking lot, an early Richardson’s Ground Squirrel was the last species of the day.
Richardson’s Ground Squirrel. Photo by Glenn Alexon.
In all, we saw 28 bird species and four mammals. The eight groups who went to this area during the first week of the course collectively saw 48 bird species and six mammal species. The Weaselhead is a great place for spring birding!
To see more of Glenn Alexon’s photos, go to his Flickr page.
To read about one of the Saturday morning course outings, go to David Pugh’s blog.
Famous Birders: Roger Tory Peterson
Posted by Matthew Sim
In this Famous Birders post, we take a look at one birder who completely changed the face of birding as we know it today.
Roger Tory Peterson, is one of the most famous birders ever to have lifted a pair of binoculars. Except that a lot of the time, he didn’t even need binoculars. As he once said, “I can recognize the calls of practically every bird in North America. There are some in Africa I don’t know, though.” A master of ornithology, Peterson is best known for his revolutionary field guides which were “the bridge between the shotgun and the binoculars in bird watching.”
Roger Peterson was born in Jamestown New York in 1908, the son of european immigrants. At the age of 11, birds became a part of his life when his 7th grade teacher taught the class about these remarkable little creatures. From that point on, Roger’s passion for birds and all other aspects of nature grew and grew. After finishing high school, Roger Peterson got a job painting furniture, working hard and saving his money for art school, which he hoped to attend. In 1925, Roger saw a notice about the next American Ornithologist’s Union meeting, to be held in New York City. He also saw that there would be an art show, to which he promptly submitted two paintings of his (both were accepted). At the meeting, Roger met many of the birders and bird artists of the time. Within a year of the meeting, Roger had two more paintings shown at the first American bird art exhibit and was soon meeting the big names and got involved in the big organizations of birding at the time. Within a few years, Roger was even writing his first field guide.
In the year 1933, Roger’s A Field Guide to the Birds found it’s way to Francis H. Allen’s desk, an editor for the publisher Houghton Mifflin. From that point on, there was no turning back. At first, only 2,000 copies were made, sold for 2.75$ a piece. Roger Peterson’s first field guide was a huge hit and within the first week, all 2,000 copies were sold, prompting more copies to be published. This was only the beginning of a very illustrious career for Roger and as of today, he has sold 7 million copies and 52 field guides make up the Peterson Field Guide System. In a time when shooting birds was as close to birding as it got, Roger’s field guides revolutionized the way people saw the natural world around them. What made Peterson’s field guides so successful is that they are simple to look at, with arrows pointing to distinguishing field marks that might help in identification. This simplicity helped many potential birders easily understand and identify what they were looking at.
Roger Peterson became one of the leading birders, nature artists and natural writers of his time and it is in part thanks to his work that so many people are involved in birding today; he truly was a great birder, perhaps, some argue, the best that there has ever been.
Photos courtesy wikipedia.
Postcards from Texas: Adventures in Big Bend (Part 2)
Posted by Matthew Sim
There are several factors that make Big Bend such a holy grail for birders. Factor number 1? The fact that the park offers the easternmost limit for many western species and the westernmost limit for many eastern species of birds. Factor number 2? The park is located on a major migratory flyway and is an important stop-off for many bird species. And factor number 3? Located close to Mexico, the park has many southern specialty birds that can’t otherwise be seen in the U.S. (such as Lucifer Hummingbird and Colima Warbler). The facts didn’t change anything for us though; we were having a blast and seeing many great birds in the process!
Dawn of our second day saw me up bright and early, as the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm (actually, it should be more like: ‘the early birdwatcher gets to watch the bird getting the worm’). Anyway, no matter how the saying goes, I was awake before the sun peered over the hills. I headed down to the feeders, spotting a Bewick’s Wren on my way down. Down at the feeders, I saw no new species but all the same, it was very exciting.
I did also manage to spot a Ladder-backed Woodpecker slightly closer than before and managed to get a half-decent shot in the dim light.
We didn’t spend too long at the feeders though as we had decided that today was the day to challenge ourselves. I mean really challenge ourselves. We had decided to hike the Emory peak, the tallest mountain in the park at 7,825 feet high. It is a strenuous hike and the roundtrip is… 10.5 tough miles. We started our climb at about 11am, with the temperature slowly starting to rise. Starting our climb, we were treated to the sounds of several Bewick’s Wrens singing as well as a Crissal Thrasher. While we climbed higher and higher, we started to hear the noise of several Mexican Jays and soon came across a flock of 8.
We were sweating now, hardly even half way up, yet we carried on. As we neared the top of the peak, our effort was payed off. The view was breathtaking.
As we reached the summit we watched nearly 100 White-throated Swifts swirling and diving through the air. Occasionally, as they passed closely by us, we could hear the wind rushing through their wings.
After enjoying the breath-taking scenery for a little longer, we began the long hike back down. Through our exhaustion, we even managed to find two Black-crested Titmice calling from the steep slopes.y the time we reached the bottom of the mountain, thoroughly worn out and incredibly sore, we decided unanimously to call it a day. When we reached our campground, we saw a Common Poorwill (a relative of the nighthawk), perched on the road and darting up into the air every couple of seconds to catch insects. The best part of the day though? Seeing countless stars in the night sky back at the camp. My photo does not even come close to doing the stars justice.
The next morning, due to our serious state of exhaustion, we woke up very late. Upon coming to the decision that it had been fun, but that it was now time to slowly head for home (we were very tired!) we did just that. Heading home slowly meant frequent stops to admire scenery, nature and whatever else we might see. By the time the sun was setting, we had reached Kerrville (about halfway home) and decided to stop for the night. As we reviewed all the excitement of the last several days, we realised the star of the show was still missing. The one bird you always expect to see out west. The bird that is famous worldwide. We hadn’t yet seen a Roadrunner!!!
Upon doing some quick research, we found a state park in Kerrville that might just yield us a Greater Roadrunner. To make a long story short, we spent the following morning looking for a Roadrunner without success. Just as we were beginning to despair, my dad suggested taking one last 5 minute spin around the road. No sooner had we started that 5 minute spin when… There it was! Greater Roadrunner!
We were happy- we had seen our Roadrunner. It was no time to head home.
Big Bend is a great park to visit, especially if you like birds! I would highly recommend visiting it- just be warned, summer temperatures can get up to 49 degrees celsius. Though we barely scratched the surface of this great area, I’m already looking forward to going back-whenever that might be!
Postcards from Texas: Adventures in Big Bend (Part 1)
Posted by Matthew Sim
Great scenery, pristine skies, rugged wilderness, abundant wildlife, all of this found in Texas- add these all up and what do you get??? The answer- Big Bend National Park in west Texas.
Spanning a huge 801,163 acres, Big Bend is the 14th largest national park in the U.S. and covers 3 different environments; mountain, desert and river. This huge area attracts about 350,000 visitors each year and is immensely popular, with spring break being the most popular time to visit the park. This year, my family and I went to find out why the park is as popular as it is.
We left Houston early in the morning in preparation for the 11 hour drive that lay ahead of us. For a good 5 hours of the trip, we drove through heavy rain and saw no break in the clouds. Once we arrived at our campground however, about 20 miles out of the park, we stepped out of the car beneath cloudless skies and almost immediately saw several bird feeders. Right after we found the bird feeders, we found the birds. Suddenly, we were surrounded by at least a dozen birds; Cactus Wren! Curve-billed Thrasher! Black-throated Sparrow! Pyrrhuloxia! Ladder-backed Woodpecker! House Finch! White-winged Dove! The birds were everywhere!

A conspicuous looking (and sounding) wren of southwestern deserts, the Cactus Wren is also the largest species of wren
We soon had to leave the feeders though to pitch our tent as darkness was settling fast over the desert. As we set up our tent underneath the setting sun, I couldn’t help but feel excited for what I might see in the morning.
After spending a somewhat chilly night in our tent, beneath countless stars, we awoke to the beautiful sound of a singing Pyrrhuloxia, which bears a striking resemblance (both in looks and sound) to a Cardinal. We headed to the nearby bird feeders to see what was about, and nearly immediately ran into a huge surprise- a covey of 35 Scaled Quail, dashing here and there.
We continued birding around the feeders and a small water dish, finding a Sage Thrasher, a single Lark Bunting, a Rock Wren and a pair of Canyon Towhees.

Canyon Towhee; a small drab sparrow-like bird with a very bright cinnamon rump (just visible in this shot)
By late morning, we decided to head to the Chisos Basin, a small valley surrounded by mountains, to do a little hiking. While hiking down into a valley on the Window trail, we were happy to see White-throated Swift, Pygmy Nuthatch, Spotted Towhee and Mexican Jay. This national park was really starting to amaze us by the sheer beauty of it all, nature and scenery standing out above the rest. Upon finishing the hot hike, we made a quick decision to check out the Rio Grande Village after getting a tip that a Common Black-Hawk, a rare bird in the U.S. but one that has nested here for several years, might be hanging around.
Unfortunately, no hawk for us. We were treated to fantastic views of several species though; Vermilion Flycatcher, Western Bluebird, Brewer’s Sparrow and Marsh Wren, all while being merely 50 feet away from the border with Mexico (which, by the way, several Common Ravens flew across without any security checks!).
After birding the Rio Grande Village, we brought an end to our fun-filled (and bird-filled) day and headed back to the campground beneath a beautiful setting sun. We were already looking forward to Day 2!
Part 2 of our Adventures in Big Bend coming up tomorrow!